
Friday, December 13, 2013

Role of Basic Graphical Controls of Programming: Introduction to Java

Role of Basic Graphical Controls of Programming: Introduction to Java

The Palette tab of a Graphical controls offered by Java Swing contains the tools that you can use to draw controls on your forms/windows/ frames while programming. The area on the frame where GUI components are placed is called content pane.

Role of Basic Graphical Controls of Programming: Introduction to Java

In earlier article, we have discussed about what are components. You have seen many controls listed on the Swing control palette. Here’s a list with briefly description about role and purpose of some commonly used controls.

  • JFrame provides the basic attributes and behavior of a window. A frame is displayed as a separate window with its own tittle bar.
  • JLable allows un-editable text (i.e., that user cannot change) or icons to be displayed.
  • JTextField allows user input, can also be used to be display text. As it can be edited you can also call it edit field.
  • JButton provides button capabilities. An action Event is generated when button is pushed.
  • JCheckBox provides check box. Checkboxes are used to allow a user select multiple choices, e.g., a student can select 5 subject out of 17 subject-choices. A check boxes shows an X in box in front of it when selected.
  • JList is a list of items from which a selection can be made. From a list, multiple elements can be selected.
  • JComboBox provides a drop-down list of items from which a selection can be made or new items can be added. It is a combination of text field and list.
    Note: The area on the frame where GUI components are placed is called content pane.
  • JPanel is a supporting container that cannot be displayed on its own but must be added to another container. Panels can be added to the content pane of a frame. They help to organize the components in a GUI.
  • JRadioButton provides radio buttons. Radio buttons are option buttons that can be turned on or off. The radio buttons provide mutually exclusive options.

Note: Though radio buttons and checkboxes appear to function similarly, yet there is an important difference-when a radio button is selected, all other radio buttons in its same group are automatically unselected. On the other hand, any no. of checkboxes can be selected.

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