
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Data Definition Language (DDL) Triggers in SQL

A DDL trigger is fired in response to DDL statements, such as CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE. DDL triggers can be used to perform administrative tasks, such as database auditing.

Database auditing helps in monitoring the DDL operations on a database. DDL operation can include operations such as creation of a table or view, or modifications of a table or procedure. Consider an example, where you want the database administrator to be notified whenever a table is created in the Master Database. For this purpose, you can create a DDL trigger.

Depending on the way in which triggers are fired, they are categorized as:

After Triggers

The after trigger can be created on any table for the insert, update or delete operation just like other triggers. The main difference in the functionality of an after trigger is that it is fired after the execution of the DML operation for which it has been defined. The after trigger is executed when all the constraints and triggers defined on the table are successfully executed.

By default, if more than one after trigger is created on a table is for a DML operation such as insert, update, or delete, then the sequence of execution is the order in which they were created.
For example, the EmpSalary table stores the salary and tax details for all the employees in an organization. You need to ensure that after the salary details of an employee are updated in the EmpSalary table, the tax details are also recalculated and updated. In such a scenario, you can implement an after trigger to update the tax details when the salary details are updated.

Instead of Triggers

The instead of triggers can be primarily used to perform an action, such as a DML operation on another table or view. This type of trigger can be created on both a table as well as a view.

An instead of trigger can be used for the following actions:

  • Ignoring parts of a batch.
  • Not processing a part of a batch and logging the problem rows.
  • Taking an alternative action when an error condition is encountered.

For example, if a view is created with multiple columns from two or more tables, then an insert operation on the view is only possible if the primary key fields from all the base tables are used in the query. Alternatively, if you use an instead of trigger, you can insert data in the base tables individually. This makes the view logically updateable.

You can even create an Instead of trigger to restrict deletion in a master table. For example, you can display a message “Master record cannot be deleted” if a delete statement is executed on the Employee table of the AdventureWorks database.

Unlike after triggers, you cannot, create more than one Instead of trigger for a DML operation on the same table or view.

Nested Triggers

Nested triggers are fired due to actions of other triggers. For example, you delete a row from TableA. A trigger on TableA deletes rows from TableB. Because you are deleting rows from TableB, a trigger is executed on TableB to record the deleted rows.

Recursive Triggers

Recursive triggers are a special case of nested triggers. Unlike nested triggers, support for recursive triggers is at the database level. As the name implies, a recursive trigger eventually calls itself. There are two types of recursive triggers, Direct and Indirect.

Direct Recursive Trigger

A direct trigger is a trigger that performs the same operation (insert, update, or delete) on the same table causing the trigger to fire itself again.

Indirect Recursive Trigger

An indirect trigger is a trigger that fires a trigger on another table and eventually the nested trigger ends up firing the first trigger again. For instance, an UPDATE on TableA fires a trigger that in turn fires an update on TableB. The update on TableB fires another trigger that performs an update on TableC. TableC has a trigger that causes an update on TableA again. The update trigger of TableA is fired again.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Implementing Triggers and its Types in SQL

In a relational database, data in a table is related to other tables. Therefore, while manipulating data in one table, you need to verify and validate its effect on data in the related tables. In addition, you might need to manipulate data in a table after inserting or updating data in another table.

You also need to ensure that if an error occurs while updating the data in a table, the changes are reverted. This helps in maintaining data integrity. The SQL Server allows you to implement triggers and transactions to maintain data integrity.

This article explains different types of triggers that can be created in SQL Server. Next, we will discusses how to implement triggers to enforce data integrity. Further, we will discuss about how to implement transactions.

Implement Triggers

At times, while performing data manipulation on a database object, you might also need to perform another manipulation on another object. For example, in an organization, the employees use the Online Leave Approval system to apply for leaves. When an employee applies for a leave, the leave details are stored in the Leave-Details table. In addition, a new record is added to the Leaves-For-Approval table. When the supervisors log on to the system, all the leaves pending for their approval are retrieved from the Leaves-For-Approval table and displayed to them.

To perform such operations, the SQL Server allows you to implement triggers. A trigger is a block of code that constitutes a set of T-SQL statements activated in response to certain actions, such as insert or delete. Triggers are used to ensure data integrity before or after performing data manipulations.

Before you implement a trigger, it is important to know the different types of triggers that can be created by using SQL Server.

Identifying Types of Triggers

In the SQL Server, various kinds of triggers can be used for different types of data manipulation operations. The SQL Server supports the following types of triggers:

Data Modification Language (DML) triggers

A DML trigger is fired when data in the underlying table is affected by DML statements, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. These triggers help in maintaining consistent, reliable, and correct data in tables. They enable the performance of complex action and cascade these actions to other dependent tables. Cascading is the process of reflecting the changes made in a table in the other related tables.

Data Definition Language (DDL) triggers

A DDL trigger is fired in response to DDL statements, such as CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE. DDL triggers can be used to perform administrative tasks, such as database auditing.

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