I want to show Components in a tabs , so first of all create few components. In this project we have three components, First View Component public class AllViewComponent : ViewComponent { private readonly UserManager<ApplicationUser> _userManager; public AllViewComponent(UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager) { _userManager = userManager; } public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync() { List<StudentViewModel> allUsers = new List<StudentViewModel>(); var items = await _userManager.Users.ToListAsync(); foreach (var item in items) { allUsers.Add(new StudentViewModel {Id=item.Id, EnrollmentNo = item.EnrollmentNo, FatherName = item.FatherName, Name = item.Name, Age = item.Age, Birthdate = item.Birthdate, Address = item.Address, Gender = item.Gender, Email = item.Email }); }
ASP PROGRAM : Introduction
The wizard control provides navigation and a User Interface (UI) to collect related data across multiple steps. It also allows you to implement liner or non-linear navigation through the steps such as skipping unnecessary steps or returning to a previously completed step to change some value. The appearance of the wizard control is fully customized by using templates , skins and style settings; for example , you can use the HeaderTemplate , SideBarTemplate, StartNavigationTemplate , FinishNavigationTemplate , and StepNavigationTemplate properties to customized the interface of the Wizard control.
Public Properties of the Wizard Class
ActiveStep : Obtains the step in the WizardSteps collection , which is currently displayed to the end-user
ActiveStepIndex : Obtains or sets the index value of the current WizardStepBase object.
CancelButtonImageUrl : Obtains or sets the URL of the image displayed for the cancel button.
CancelButtonStyle : Obtains a reference to a collection of style properties that describes the appearance of the cancel button .
CancelButtonText : Obtains or sets the text caption that is displayed for the cancel button.
CancelButtonType : Obtains or sets the type of button that is rendered as the cancel button.
CancelDestinationPageUrl : Obtains or sets the URL that the end user is directed to when they click the cancel button.
CellPadding : Obtains or sets the amount of space between the data of the cell and the cell border.
CellSpacing : Obtains or sets the space between the cells
DisplayCancelButton : Obtains or sets a boolean value showing whether to display a cancel button.
DisplaySideBar : Obtains or sets a Boolean value showing whether to display the sidebar area on the wizard control.
The wizard control provides navigation and a User Interface (UI) to collect related data across multiple steps. It also allows you to implement liner or non-linear navigation through the steps such as skipping unnecessary steps or returning to a previously completed step to change some value. The appearance of the wizard control is fully customized by using templates , skins and style settings; for example , you can use the HeaderTemplate , SideBarTemplate, StartNavigationTemplate , FinishNavigationTemplate , and StepNavigationTemplate properties to customized the interface of the Wizard control.
Public Properties of the Wizard Class
ActiveStep : Obtains the step in the WizardSteps collection , which is currently displayed to the end-user
ActiveStepIndex : Obtains or sets the index value of the current WizardStepBase object.
CancelButtonImageUrl : Obtains or sets the URL of the image displayed for the cancel button.
CancelButtonStyle : Obtains a reference to a collection of style properties that describes the appearance of the cancel button .
CancelButtonText : Obtains or sets the text caption that is displayed for the cancel button.
CancelButtonType : Obtains or sets the type of button that is rendered as the cancel button.
CancelDestinationPageUrl : Obtains or sets the URL that the end user is directed to when they click the cancel button.
CellPadding : Obtains or sets the amount of space between the data of the cell and the cell border.
CellSpacing : Obtains or sets the space between the cells
DisplayCancelButton : Obtains or sets a boolean value showing whether to display a cancel button.
DisplaySideBar : Obtains or sets a Boolean value showing whether to display the sidebar area on the wizard control.
Example of Wizard Control
When you add a Wizard control on a Web page (Default.aspx), it adds the following code to the source code of the web page
<asp:Wizard ID="Wizard1" runat="server" ActiveStepIndex="0">
<asp:WizardStep runat="server" title="Step 1">
<asp:WizardStep runat="server" title="Step 2">
If you want to add some controls to the Wizard control then you must drop some controls between opening and closing tag of WizardStep
<asp:WizardStep runat="server" title="Step 1">
//Put some controls here
<asp:WizardStep runat="server" title="Step 1">
//Put some controls here
<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script runat="server">
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
result.Text = "your gender are <br/>" + RadioButtonList1.SelectedItem.Text;
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:Wizard ID="Wizard1" runat="server" ActiveStepIndex="0">
<asp:WizardStep runat="server" title="Step 1">
Your Gender are<br />
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="RadioButtonList1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" OnSelectedIndexChanged="RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged">
<br />
<asp:Label ID="result" runat="server"></asp:Label>
<asp:WizardStep runat="server" title="Step 2">
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script runat="server">
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
result.Text = "your gender are <br/>" + RadioButtonList1.SelectedItem.Text;
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:Wizard ID="Wizard1" runat="server" ActiveStepIndex="0">
<asp:WizardStep runat="server" title="Step 1">
Your Gender are<br />
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="RadioButtonList1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" OnSelectedIndexChanged="RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged">
<br />
<asp:Label ID="result" runat="server"></asp:Label>
<asp:WizardStep runat="server" title="Step 2">
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