
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Types of Java Programs

Types of Java Programs

Java is a programming language, by which we can design a new program or a software. It have many features, such as

  • Object Oriented Language
  • Support Cross Platform
  • Platform independent
  • Strongly typed language
  • Machine Dependent(JVM- Java Virtual Machine)
  • Use Reference in place of pointer
So you can make a new application in it. Java Support four types of application such as
  1. Console Based Application(Core Java)
  2. Client Based Application (Applet, Swings)
  3. Web Based Application (Applet, Servlet, JSP)
  4. Mobile Based Application (Android)
1. Console Application- It also known as command based application. In which we can work only with non-GUI application. Suppose we want to create a new folder in system then what to do in DOS(console based). First of all we write a command for this, like mkdir. If you solve same problem in window(GUI) then do not need to write command for this, simply use mouse pointer and make a new folder.

Diagrammatic view of console window

Diagrammatic view of console window

2. Client based application : That application, which is install on client machine. That application create for single person or a organization. Also known as off line application. Client application design in java is very easy through applet and swings. Through the client application user use pointing device rather then command. In the client application user can put any input by the user interface. 

Diagrammatic view of client based application(GUI)

Diagrammatic view of client based application(GUI)

3. Web Based Application:  These application run on web browser. For this types of application we create a web pages, you can select any language for making web pages like jsp, html, asp, php etc. Here we select servlet and JSP for designing the web pages. Servlet is a class file which is compiled by the servlet engine and JSP is a extension of servlet. For making easier we use JSP for dynamic web pages.

Diagrammatic view of web based application(GUI)

Diagrammatic view of web based application(GUI)
4. Mobile Based Application : These application run on mobile platform, in current market java has already launched android platform for mobile application. In the later article i will discussed more about java-mobile(android ).

Diagrammatic view of Mobile based application(GUI)

Diagrammatic view of Mobile based application(GUI)

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