
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Implementation details of online examination system in asp.net c#

Implementation details of online examination system in asp.net c#

According to my ASP.NET online examination project there are following implementation details, these are:

5.1 Implementation

Implementation of the project is the topics illustrated in the design prototype and the requirements stated in the analyses section.  In order to better illustrate what has been done pictorially, some screen shots illustrations will be presented. On the other hand related data utilizations in the project have been implemented  using   SQL Server 2008  for  data  storage  and  data  retrieval  purposes  for  database interfaces.
5.1.1 Screen implementation
Home page:
The  project  starts  with  an  initial  application  screen  of  "home  page"  where  main  menu  bar  and welcoming page is illustrated.

home  page

Login and registration:
Any user can view basic information on the site with an exception of utilization of the site but authenticated user can give the exam by the examination panel. First of all admin should register the student name in database. After successfully registration a student can login into the examination panel.

registration page of online examination system

During the registration we should always remember that email and name is the primary key so do not enter duplicate values in the database.

Candidate login page

 In the login page there are two types of information required to be selected or filled in; Email and user password. The Email and the password are defined by user with specified criteria. The restricted criterion is on the email which requires “@” symbol in between mail id. If wrong entry is typed then user will be alerted as "bad entry" message and then redirected to the registration page.  If all proper information entered then LOGIN can be submitted or CANCELED.

Examination panel:

 A registered student can give the exam by the examination panel. Before the exam, candidate have to select the subject name by the popup menu. In this project we have to provide 4 subject like GK,c++,Java and c#. Each subject contain 5 questions.  In The examination panel student can view one question at a time.  He/she faced total 5 question during the given time, if we applied the system in real time then all registered user can view different questions because questions appeared on the screen randomly.


Now, the above mentioned snap is related to subject which is selected by the candidate. After selected candidate can view the exam panel that is mentioned in the below snap.

exam panel

5.2 Description of the Application

5.2.1 System architecture:

In this application Client-Server architecture was used. In these architecture two computers programs interact with each other.One program is called client which makes a request from Server, and the other one is called as Server which provides response to the request. There is also a database which interacts with Server. ASP and database technology are used at server side, and html and cookies are used at the client side.

5.2.2 Software application used in the website
ASP: It has the server side script such as database connection and the session. ASP was used for database  connection, creating session, login and registration forms and some other pages. Mostly all pages are functioning with ASP, because they interact with database and server and that makes our site a dynamic website. It takes some information from forms to server, and some data from database to client, or it passes the values among pages.

IIS: Internet Information Services for Windows is used to host the website. It hosts the website locally under inetpub and root directory First, Windows 7 or  IIS was set up to host the online examination system website.

HTML/SHTML: It is a markup language that is used to describe web pages. In online examination system website html pages were used. To avoid repetition #include file was created for footer and header, and html pages were saved as shtml.

CSS: It defines the way how html pages are to be displayed. In online examination system website styles are saved in external .css file which makes it easy to change the appearance and the layout of all the pages just by editing one file.

SQL Server:  SQL Server  is the famous tool for creating database for large applications. In online examination system, it was used to create the tables such as questions, register, subject and etc

SQL: It is used to access and communicate with database server by manipulating the data.

PHOTOSHOP: For creating logo Adobe's famous tool Photoshop was used.

5.3 Hardware requirements

Hardware requirements of the implemented project can be classified under two terms. There would be back-end requirements which are publication of the online website from a server. The other important aspect  is  the  implementation  of  the  RDBMS  database  implementation.  In  our  case,  the  required database was SQL Server. Each design schema was converted into database table form through

Access. There was not much of hardware requirements to implement the project, it is a simply as having a web server to publish the project online. On the other hand, for the front-end end user purposes, they only need to have a system up-to-date internet connection with any proper browser to be able to do their transactions online. The required system is a Three-Tier Architecture. In this architecture, the data is stored onto a server is in interaction with end-users with a unit called client. So, this project hardware architecture is based on two-tier client-server based architecture.

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