
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Refactoring in visual studio 2013,2015

Refactoring, change the internal structure of the code without any changes in behavior/outer structure. By using visual studio plugins, you can do the following refactoring in the visual studio code. The most popular and powerful refactoring plugin/extension in visual studio is visual assist. By using it, we can do some following tasks:

  • Extract method refactoring: By using visual studio we can create new methods for existing code, I want to say that if you have a code in a method, you want to break it in different segments/methods then you can use extract method like Suppose your code look like
   public class Class1  
     public void display()  
       int a=10;  
       int b=20;  
       Console.WriteLine(a + b);  

Select the code fragment you want to extract:

  int a=10;  
       int b=20;   

Right click on selected text, Refactor--> Extract Method..., appear new window.

Extract method window in visual studio

After pressing the "ok" button, your code look like

  public class Class1  
     public void display()  
       int a;  
       int b;  
       NewMethod(out a, out b);  
     private static void NewMethod(out int a, out int b)  
       a = 10;  
       b = 20;  

  • Change class name also the file name: If you want to change class name after creating code then you can do this by replacing. But, file name doesn't change. So, try visual assist to change the class name, constructor name, and file name.    
Right click on class name, select Refactor(VA)--Rename to change the class name also file name.

After do this, your code and file:

Change class name also the file name

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Microsoft and many more product based companies provides some extensions for visual studio. Behind the scene, the main purpose of them, they want to enhance the features of visual studio. Similarly, UNITY software is a type of extension, which is used for design games in visual studio. UNITY provides you to make platform independent games, i mean, you can run your games data in 21 platforms. Also provides many more features like:
  1. You can design your games either in 2D and 3D.
  2. Debug your game code using break point in visual studio.
  3. You can put your logics in UNITY game by using c#, which is userfriendly for you.
  4. Check error in error list of visual studio. 

How to download it: Download it by using official sites, but i recommended this path, Through this you can download other things. Download UnityDownloadAssistant-5.2.1f1.exe, start it by using double click. Below mentioned Progress snap  of downloading. 

unity download installer

In the next article i will show you how to start screen of unity, how to start codes in it and many more things.

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