In previous WPF listview article, I explained, how to bind listview from List of string type. In this article, I will explain you, how to bind listview using EDMX file. We all know about powerful features of WPF listview i.e Gridview. Lets, take an example of it.
In the mentioned code, Gridview is a view of WPF Listview with two columns that are Id and name. Here, DisplayMemberBinding is the property of GridviewColumn, which is used to bind listview columns from field of model class.
Here, DatabaseEntities, context class in EDMX model, also Employees is the public property in DataContext class. Learn How to add EDMX file with database file.
Now, code generate the following output:
<ListView Name="listgrid">
<GridViewColumn Header="Id" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Id}"/>
<GridViewColumn Header="Name" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Emp_Name}"/>
In the mentioned code, Gridview is a view of WPF Listview with two columns that are Id and name. Here, DisplayMemberBinding is the property of GridviewColumn, which is used to bind listview columns from field of model class.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void loadlistview()
DatabaseEntities dbe = new DatabaseEntities();
listgrid.ItemsSource = dbe.Employees.ToList();
Here, DatabaseEntities, context class in EDMX model, also Employees is the public property in DataContext class. Learn How to add EDMX file with database file.
Now, code generate the following output: