Similar to providing input values to the procedures at run time, you can also return values as output from the procedures. The values can be returned to the calling application through output parameters. To specify a parameter as the output parameter, you can use the OUTPUT keyword.
The OUTPUT keyword has to be specified in both the CREATE PROCEDURE and the EXECUTE statement. If the OUTPUT keyword is omitted, the procedure will be executed but will not return any value.
The syntax of the declaring an output parameter using the OUTPUT keyword is:
CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name
{ @parameter data_type} [OUTPUT]
Sql_statement […n]
You can also return values from the stored procedure by using the RETURN statement. The RETURN statement allows the stored procedure to return only an integer value to the calling application. The syntax of the RETURN statement is:
RETURN value
Consider an example. You need to display the details of an employee whose employee ID has been provided as an input. For this, you need to create a procedure prcGetEmployeeDetail thet will accept employee ID as input and will return the department name and ID of the shift in which the employee works. You can create the procedure, as shown in the following statement:
CREATE PROCEDURE prcGetEmployeeDetail @EmpID int, @DepName char (50) OUTPUT, @ShiftID int OUTPUT
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM HumanResources.Employee WHERE EmployeeID = @EmpID)
SELECT @DepName = d. Name, @Shiftid = h.ShiftID
FROM HumanResourcess.Department d JOIN
HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory h
ON d.DepartID = h.DepartmentID
WHERE EmployeeID = @EmpId AND h.Enddate IS NULL RETURN 0
The preceding procedure accepts the employee ID as an input parameter and returns the department name and shift ID as output parameters. The procedure first checks the existence of the given employee ID. Id it exists, the procedure returns and integer value 0 along with the required details.
The OUTPUT keyword has to be specified in both the CREATE PROCEDURE and the EXECUTE statement. If the OUTPUT keyword is omitted, the procedure will be executed but will not return any value.
The syntax of the declaring an output parameter using the OUTPUT keyword is:
CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name
{ @parameter data_type} [OUTPUT]
Sql_statement […n]
- @parameter data_type [OUTPUT] allows the stored procedure to pass a data value to the calling procedure. If the OUTPUT keyword is not used, then the parameter is treated as an input parameter.
You can also return values from the stored procedure by using the RETURN statement. The RETURN statement allows the stored procedure to return only an integer value to the calling application. The syntax of the RETURN statement is:
RETURN value
- Value is any integer. If a value is not specified, then the stored procedure returns a default value of 0 to specify failure and 1 to specify success.
Consider an example. You need to display the details of an employee whose employee ID has been provided as an input. For this, you need to create a procedure prcGetEmployeeDetail thet will accept employee ID as input and will return the department name and ID of the shift in which the employee works. You can create the procedure, as shown in the following statement:
CREATE PROCEDURE prcGetEmployeeDetail @EmpID int, @DepName char (50) OUTPUT, @ShiftID int OUTPUT
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM HumanResources.Employee WHERE EmployeeID = @EmpID)
SELECT @DepName = d. Name, @Shiftid = h.ShiftID
FROM HumanResourcess.Department d JOIN
HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory h
ON d.DepartID = h.DepartmentID
WHERE EmployeeID = @EmpId AND h.Enddate IS NULL RETURN 0
The preceding procedure accepts the employee ID as an input parameter and returns the department name and shift ID as output parameters. The procedure first checks the existence of the given employee ID. Id it exists, the procedure returns and integer value 0 along with the required details.