
Thursday, April 30, 2015

How to use SQL LIKE operator in asp.net c#

Today when we wrote a program for online job portal. On that time i want to show the job detail from job table using single English alphabet letter. So first of all i bind Dropdownlist with the alphabet letters then also bind Grid...

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Data Definition Language (DDL) Triggers in SQL

A DDL trigger is fired in response to DDL statements, such as CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE. DDL triggers can be used to perform administrative tasks, such as database auditing. Database auditing helps in monitoring the DDL operat...

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Data Modification Language (DML) Triggers in SQL

A DML trigger is fired when data in the underlying table is affected by DML statements, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. These triggers help in maintaining consistent, reliable, and correct data in tables. They enable the perfo...

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Execute Batches multiple times using Stored Procedures in SQL

Batches are temporary in nature. To execute a batch more than once, you need to recreate SQL statements and submit them to the server. This leads to an increase in the overhead, as the server needs to compile and create the execu...

Implementing Triggers and its Types in SQL

In a relational database, data in a table is related to other tables. Therefore, while manipulating data in one table, you need to verify and validate its effect on data in the related tables. In addition, you might need to manip...

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Creating Table-Valued Functions in SQL

A table-valued function returns a table as an output, which can be derived as a part of a SELECT statement. Table-valued function return the output as a table data type. The table data is a special data type used to store a set o...

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Creating Scalar functions in SQL

In earlier article we have discussed about user defined functions that have the limited scope in sql programming in compare to stored procedures. User defined function have two types i.e. scalar function and table-valued function...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How to Implement User Defined Function in SQL

Similar to the stored procedures, you can also create functions to store a set of T-SQL statements permanently. These functions are also referred to as user-defined functions (UDFs). A UDF is a database object that contains a set...

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Calling a Procedure from another Procedure: SQL

At times, you might need to use the values returned by a procedure in another procedure. For this, you can execute or call one procedure from within another procedure. A procedure that calls or executes another procedure is know...

Monday, October 13, 2014

How to Return values from Stored Procedure: SQL

Similar to providing input values to the procedures at run time, you can also return values as output from the procedures. The values can be returned to the calling application through output parameters. To specify a parameter as...

Sunday, October 12, 2014

How to Create Parameterized Stored Procedure: SQL

At times, you need to execute a procedure for different values of a variable that are provided at run time. For this, you can create a parameterized stored procedure. Parameters are used to pass values to the stored procedure dur...

Friday, October 10, 2014

Guidelines to Create and Execute Stored Procedure: SQL

To create stored procedure database developer have to keep some points in mind. The following points need to be considered before creating a stored procedure: You cannot combine the CREATE PROCEDURE statement with other SQL sta...

Friday, September 26, 2014

Handling Errors and Exceptions using RAISERROR: SQL

A REISEROR statement is used to return messages to the business applications that are executing the SQL statements. This statement uses the same format as a system error or warning message generated by the database engine. Consid...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Handling Errors and Exceptions using Try-Catch: SQL

When you execute a query, it is parsed for syntactical errors before execution. If the syntax is correct, it is compiled and executed. Sometimes, due to factors, such as incorrect data, an error can occur during execution even if...

Monday, September 22, 2014

How to use Case and While statement in Batches: SQL

Database developer can use the CASE as well as While statement in situation where several conditions need to be evaluated. Using CASE statement The CASE statement evaluates a list of conditions and returns one of the possible re...

How to use Constructs in Batches for Conditional Execution: SQL

SQL Server allows you to use programming constructs in the batches for conditional execution of statements. For example, you need to retrieve data based on a condition. If the condition is not satisfied, a message should be displ...

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Implementing Batches in SQL Server and Guidelines

As a database developer, you might need to execute more than one SQL statement to perform a task. For example, when a new employee joins AdventureWorks, Inc., you need to insert the employee details in the database. The details o...

Sunday, July 20, 2014

How to Perform Searching Data by Using a Full-Text Search

After the full-text index has been created on a table, you can query the table by using the full-text predicates. The full-text predicates are used to specify how the search string should be searched in the table. Predicates can ...

Populating the Full-Text Index in Search: SQL Server

After creating the full-text index, you need to populate it with the data in the columns enabled for full-text support. The SQL Server full-text search engine populates the full-text index through a process called population. Pop...

Configuring Full-Text Search in SQL Server

The full-text query feature in the SQL Server enables users to search for a wide range of text in the SQL tables. Consider an example. The sales management team of AdventureWorks, Inc. makes frequent searches on the ProductDescri...
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