C came into existence in between 1969-1973 in parallel with the development of UNIX operating system. The C Programming Language, in the middle of 1980s,was officially standardized by the ANSI X3J11 committee. Until the early 1980s, the language was almost exclusively associated with UNIX. Now, its use has spread much more widely, and today it is among the languages most commonly used in the industry.
BCPL the origination for C language was designed by Martin Richard in the mid-1960s and used during the early 1970s for several projects including OS6 operating system at OXford. The original BCPL compiler was transported both to Multics and to the GE-635 GECOS system by Rudd Canaday and others at Bell Labs. It was the language of choice among the group of people who involved with UNIX.
BCPL, B, and C all fit firmly in the traditional procedural family characterized by Fortan and Algo60. They are particularly oriented towards system programming. They are close to the machine. BCPL, B and C differ syntactically in many details, but broadly they are similar. Programs consist of a sequence of global declarations and function declarations. Several syntactic and lexical mechanism of BCPL are more elegent and regular than those of B and C. In spite of the differences , most of the statements and operators of BCPL map directly into corresponding B and C.
During the 1980s the use of the C language spread widely, and compiler became available on nearly every machine architecture and operating system; in particular it became popular as a programming tool for personal computers, both for manufactures of commercial software for these machine, and for end-users interested in programming.