
Monday, November 10, 2014

Compiling and Running Java Programs

There are various steps to compiling and running java programs, these are
Step-1 : First to install JDK, JRE and JVM into the System.
Step-2 : Prepare source code in any editor like notepad, c++ editor etc.

class HelloWorld
public static void main(String r[])
int a=10, b=10,c;
System.out.println("Output of the program is"+c);

Step-4 : Save the source code in the java bin directory. Class name which contain main method should same of the file name.
Example :  HelloWorld (class name)
                  HelloWorld.java (file name)

Step-5 : Open command prompt and change the directory where your java program has been saved.
Suppose your java software installed in C:/>. Now, compiling steps is:

C:/java/jdk1.7.0/bin> Javac filename.java   (press Enter)
C:/java/jdk1.7.0/bin> Java  filename.java    (press Enter)

Step-6: During compilation, if program generate errors, it means you can't run your program.                 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Execute Batches multiple times using Stored Procedures in SQL

Batches are temporary in nature. To execute a batch more than once, you need to recreate SQL statements and submit them to the server. This leads to an increase in the overhead, as the server needs to compile and create the execution plan for these statements again. Therefore, if you need to execute a batch multiple times, you can save it within a stored procedure. A stored procedure is a precompiled object stored in the database.

Stored procedures can invoke the Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements and can return values. If you need to assign values to the variables declared in the procedures at the run time, you can pass parameters while executing them. You can also execute a procedure from another procedure. This helps in using the functionality of the called procedure within the calling procedure.

Creating Stored Procedures

You can create a stored procedure by using the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. The syntax of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement is:
Where Proc_name specifies the name of the stored procedure.

The following example create a stored procedure to view the department names from the Department table:
SELECT Name FROM HumanResources.Department
When the CREATE PROCEDURE statement is executed, the server compiles the procedure and saves it as a database object. The procedure is then available for various applications to execute. The process of compiling a stored procedure involves the following steps:

  • The procedure is compiled and its components are broken into various pieces. This process is known as parsing.
  • The existence of the referred objects, such as tables and views, are checked. This process is known as resolving.
  • The name of the procedure is stored in the sysobjects table and the code that creates the stored procedure is stored in the syscomments table.
  • The procedure is compiled and a blueprint for how the query will run is created. This blueprint is specified as execution plan. The execution plan is saved in the procedure cache.
  • When the procedure is executed for the first time. The execution plan will be read and fully optimized and then run. The net time the procedure is executed in the same session, it will be read directly from the cache. This increases performance, as there is no repeated compilation.

After creating the stored procedure, you can view the code of the procedure by using the sp_helptext command.

Implementing Triggers and its Types in SQL

In a relational database, data in a table is related to other tables. Therefore, while manipulating data in one table, you need to verify and validate its effect on data in the related tables. In addition, you might need to manipulate data in a table after inserting or updating data in another table.

You also need to ensure that if an error occurs while updating the data in a table, the changes are reverted. This helps in maintaining data integrity. The SQL Server allows you to implement triggers and transactions to maintain data integrity.

This article explains different types of triggers that can be created in SQL Server. Next, we will discusses how to implement triggers to enforce data integrity. Further, we will discuss about how to implement transactions.

Implement Triggers

At times, while performing data manipulation on a database object, you might also need to perform another manipulation on another object. For example, in an organization, the employees use the Online Leave Approval system to apply for leaves. When an employee applies for a leave, the leave details are stored in the Leave-Details table. In addition, a new record is added to the Leaves-For-Approval table. When the supervisors log on to the system, all the leaves pending for their approval are retrieved from the Leaves-For-Approval table and displayed to them.

To perform such operations, the SQL Server allows you to implement triggers. A trigger is a block of code that constitutes a set of T-SQL statements activated in response to certain actions, such as insert or delete. Triggers are used to ensure data integrity before or after performing data manipulations.

Before you implement a trigger, it is important to know the different types of triggers that can be created by using SQL Server.

Identifying Types of Triggers

In the SQL Server, various kinds of triggers can be used for different types of data manipulation operations. The SQL Server supports the following types of triggers:

Data Modification Language (DML) triggers

A DML trigger is fired when data in the underlying table is affected by DML statements, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. These triggers help in maintaining consistent, reliable, and correct data in tables. They enable the performance of complex action and cascade these actions to other dependent tables. Cascading is the process of reflecting the changes made in a table in the other related tables.

Data Definition Language (DDL) triggers

A DDL trigger is fired in response to DDL statements, such as CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE. DDL triggers can be used to perform administrative tasks, such as database auditing.

Commonly used jQuery Event Methods: jQuery

All the DOM events have its equivalent jQuery methods that may be implement by programmer as per the requirement. Anything happens through input devices on the web-page is called an event.

All these events have its unique names e.g. clicking on the page, pressing key, hovering mouse etc. According to jQuery masters, these events have some categories, some of them listed below:

  • Keyboard events: KeyDown, KeyUp and KeyPress etc.
  • Mouse events: Click, double click, mouse hover, mouse enter and mouse leave etc.
  • Form events: submit, focus, blur etc. 
  • Document/window events: Load, UnLoad, scrolling, resizing etc.

All these events have its own method, discussed earlier in changing default behavior. Some of those events have listed below with example:


Whenever the document/page is ready, this event have triggered. Anything written in this event have been executed just after the page loaded. All the events except functions must be written in this event to be executed. Some of the selectors have been discussed here.
alert(‘document is ready’); // This message will shown just after the page load its contents.


This event triggers when user clicks on any html events. Programmer can write particular click method on any html event. The below code will execute when user clicks on any <p> element.
alert(‘p tag clicked’);


This event triggers when user double clicks on any html events. Programmer can write particular double click method on any html event. The below code will execute when user clicks two times on any <p> element.
alert(‘p tag double clicked’);


This event triggers when user enters mouse in the area of html events. The below code will execute when user enters into area of any <p> element.
alert(‘mouse entered in <p> tag’);


whenever an html event losses its focus, this event will triggered. This is just opposite event of focus() event which triggers when an element have focus on it.
alert(‘losses focus from <p> tag’);

There are many events related to each html element, can be read from jQuery official website of through the help option of visual studio. All those events have similar syntax to write method for them. In the next article we will discuss about jQuery effects.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Merits of bottom-up technique

  • The details of the sub-problem solutions are available in advance in the form of bottom level modules.
  • The individual sub-problem solutions are designed with great details.
  • The main solution can be planned later depending on the available sub-task solutions.
  • The main solution is used to link all the sub-problem solutions.
  • The sub-solutions obtained are simple
  • A complex main module is designed later using these simpler solutions.
  • This technique is more general and code are reusable.
  • This technique simplifies maintenance and the new features can be added easily.
  • This decision of the final solution can be delayed to make it more effective for implementation.
  • Testing in this case is simple and test cases can be designed very easily.

Demerits of top-down technique

  • This technique is mainly useful for small-scale problems.
  • It is only useful in solving a part of a larger problem.
  • This technique is a poor approach for solving larger problems 
  • This technique is also poor for designing larger programs.
  • The application developed using this technique cannot be upgraded easily.
Related Links

Merits of top-down technique

  • The summary of the program plan is known in advance in the form of top module.
  • Parallel development of the program is possible because of independent design of the modules at different levels.
  • Parallel development helps in designing the program at reduced time period.
  • Testing and debugging are faster because of independent testing of modules.
  • Attention can be given to individual level task to improve the efficiency.
  • The hierarchy of the levels helps in understandable low level modules.
  • Handling and management of the modules are easy.
  • This technique improves the code reliability.
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