
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How to make Feed back System in asp.net


Feed back is a system, through which we can communicate to the website owner. Generally this system is designed for various purpose, such as quality checking in supply chain management, suggestion etc. If we talk about quality checking then simply say that feed back is given by the customer if he/she is  either satisfied or not. But if we talk about article feed back then you simply say that comment is the best idea for it. 

How to implement it:

First to design the comment box with the help of some controls and their properties. If you want to complete the first step then should see the below mentioned video:

After design it, you should connect all required control with the back-end store table. In this example i have a repeater control and here i bind this control using eval( ) method, if you want to do this, please see the video:
Bind the repeater control with the help of SqlDataSource control in asp.net. Repeater control is best control for comments, By this we can display list of items. If you want to see the feed back then check it mentioned video:

Monday, January 19, 2015

How to bind C# Gridview using ADO.NET

The C# GridView Control
The C# GridView control is a Data bound control that displays the values of a data source in the form of a table . In this table , each column represents a field and each row represents a record . The C# GridView control exists within the System.Web.UI.Controls namespace . When you drag and drop the GridView control on the designer page , the following syntax is added to the source view of the page.

<asp:gridview id="GridView1" runat="server"> </asp:gridview>

ASP.NET reduce lots of code in binding process, provide binding controls such as SqlDataSource for connecting database. The GridView data control has a built-in capability of sorting ,paging , updating and deleting data. You can also set the column fields through the AutoGenerate property to indicate whether bound fields are automatically created for each field in the data source.
In the below mentioned example, step 1 is define for add gridview in the webpage. Now, come to second step create columns in the gridview, which is depend on user choice. Under the <Columns> tag, create TemplateFields, which is used for design first column, according to step 3.

STEP-1 : Drag Gridview from Toolbox and Drop on design window.

    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server">        

STEP-2 : Create columns inside Gidview

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server">
            <Columns >

STEP-3 : Create first column using TemplateField

  <Columns >

STEP-4 : Create ItemTemplate inside <asp:TemplateField>
STEP-5 :  Also bind with table Attribute/Field

    <%# Eval("EmployeeId") %>

Make StoredProcedure for retrieving data from database table.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[getdata]

SELECT * from [Table]


STEP-7 : Create code for binding data

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;

public partial class binggrid : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page .IsPostBack)



    private void getdataload()
        using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection())
            con.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ToString();
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
                cmd.CommandText = "getdata";
                cmd.Connection = con;
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                using (DataSet ds = new DataSet())
                    using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd))
                        GridView1.DataSource = ds;




Output of the program
C# gridview bind in asp.net

Note : Some Extra Column appear in gridview like EmployeeId, name
if you want to remove these column add attribute inside gridview
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns ="false">

Main Output of the program are:

C# gridview bind in asp.net
Here we are using single Template field. If you want to make more column then you must take more than one template field. Each template specifies column of the GridView.

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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Get and Set Attribute’s Value in jQuery

JQuery library functions have more functionality than we can think of. All we want through jQuery can be easily implemented like to get values of any element on the web-page. Whether the value is simple text or whole html of that element.

Earlier article was about to get content of text, html and value field assigned to an element on the web-page. Element on the web-page have many attributes like id, name, title, href etc. and its corresponding value that is specific for that attribute.

JQuery library function have some in-built function that can be used to get those attributes value and developer can set those values by using other provided functions. For example the following code fragment will get href value of an anchor tag with specified selector:


This alert message can be included wherever we want like in any button’s click event or any function called as per requirement.

Developer can also set particular value for any attribute of any element. Following example will set an anchor tag’s (above code fragment) href attribute’s value:


Same as above function we can easily set attribute’s value either one or multiple at once. Following code will assign title and href attribute’s value for the same anchor tag only in one function:

    "href" : " http://dotprogramming.blogspot.com",
    "title" : "JQuery Learning Material"

These functions for set an attribute’s value can be used callback functions to be execute further operation after setting the value. In the next article we will show those callback functions with syntax and execute some more operations.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Get Content and Attributes in jQuery

Getting and assigning content of elements in jQuery is very simple because of its in-built functions. JQuery provides many in-built functions that can be used to get content of any element and can set html part for any element.

JQuery library contains many DOM related functions that make it easy to use and understand how it is working. Programmer can easily manipulate content of any element or attributes by using existing functions. In rare chances programmer have to write its own functions with collection of JQuery library functions.

To get content of any element on the web-page, programmer can use following three mostly used functions:
  • val(): get or set the value of forms field.
  • text(): get or set the text content of selected elements.
  • html(): get of set the whole content of selected elements including html markup.
Lookout the following example through which we will use all three types of functions and show the values returns by them.


All the above alert messages will return respective values for selected label. The below code fragment will assign some values to all three labels:


In the next article we will get and set attribute's value for an element on the web-page.

Callback Functions Execution in jQuery

Callback functions are function which can be invoked under certain conditions. These functions executes after current effect have been finished. As the effect completed, the function reference specified as callback will be executed.

JQuery statements are executed line after line in a sequence and perform action written. In case of effects discussed earlier, next line (whatever you write) will be execute before the effect completes its part. If the next line depends on the effect then it can create errors.

Callback function reference will execute after the current effect finished completely. These functions can easily remove those errors, here is the syntax:

$(selector).show(speed, callback);

Following example will show an alert after div is shown on the button click:

$("#divToShow").show("slow", function(){
        alert("Div has been shown");

In the above code a callback function have been written that will show an alert message after div will show. If we don’t write any callback function then it will show an alert message without showing the div properly.

        alert("Div has been shown");

This code will not wait for div to show and show an alert message specified. So these type of situations must have callback functions.

Monday, December 29, 2014

SiteMapPath not visible in visual studio 2013

When i run the SiteMapPath in visual studio 2010 then i found that it run successfully. When i run same sitemap file in visual studio 2013 then didn't run. I found the Error, that error is:
.aspx extension
Because visual studio 2013 support hide extension functionally or you can say it provide friendly url to the users. Like
Here, marketus is the page name, not a directory. So problem structure is:

SiteMapPath not visible in visual studio 2013

Now the solution is, remove .aspx extension of the url attribute from the web.sitemap file. Now you can see after removing the extension.

 Now the output page of the file is:

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Create an Object using New Operator: Java

New operator is used to create a new object of an existing class and associate the object with a variable that names it. Basically new operator instantiates a class by allocating memory for a new object and returning reference to that memory.
Every class needs an object to use its member and methods by other classes. Programmer have to create that object using new operator to use functionality provided by that class. Following is the syntax to create new object of an existing class:

Class_variable =new Class_Name();

This syntax basically describes some points about new operator as below:
  • Allocates memory to class_variable for new object of class.
  • It invokes object constructor.
  • Requires only single postfix argument which calls to constructor.
  • Returns reference to memory which is usually assigned to variable of appropriate type.
Following statement will create an object of city class and allocate memory to this newly created object:

City metro;
metro = new City();

The equivalent code for the above statement that can be written in single line is:

City metro = new City();

So new operator does two things overall i.e. it first allocates memory somewhere to hold an instance of the type, and then calls a constructor to initialize an instance of the type in that newly allocated memory.

After creating new object for a class, that object can use all the members and methods defined in that class. You can assign all the properties for that class and operate available or new functions on those properties.

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