
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Return Label Element using Html.Label() Handler: MVC

Return Label Element using Html.Label() Handler: MVC

Html.Label() handler used to return label element on the page at run time. It supports some types of parameters discussed and also have some more options to returning labels on the page. Mostly it is of three types listed below with their specification and uses.

Html.Label(parameter collection...)

This Html handler is used to return label element with property name specified by the parameter expression. Here is collection of parameter this html handler used:

  • Expression: used to identify the property to display.
  • label text: specify the text of label to display.
  • Html Attributes: this parameter is type of object, contains all the elements to be set for this label element.
    @Html.Label("stName", "Student Name", new { @class = "lblClass" })

Html.LabelFor(parameter collection...)

This handler is used for showing the label element of property passed from the model, the page bind. For example the page is bind to student model and we bind this handler with student name then this handler will show the name of student like shown below:

@Html.LabelFor(model => model.Name)
Here model represent the class name passed to bind this view. This parameter must be defined in prediction type as shown in the above code, without prediction it will show an error. Remaining parameters are same as Html.Label() handler.

@Html.LabelForModel(parameter collection...)

This handler returns a label whose for value is that of the parameter represented by the model object. It is mostly used in editor templates in MVC View. e.g.

@Html.LabelForModel() - it shows the label element for the string property of model bind with this view.

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