Html.Password() handler, used to return password input element to be input password value by user. This article describes about to using password html helper that will make text unreadable by other users in MVC application.
Like all other input elements, using Html.Password() html handler users are not able to read input value. This handler is mostly used in login process of any ASP.Net MVC application because of some special features of this helper.
This helper commonly have following features:
<input type=”password” runat=”server” id=”password” />
this line will render an input element of type password having id "Password" passed by the model. After submitting form, the value of this element will assigned to the password field of the model and can be easily accessed for further use.
Like all other input elements, using Html.Password() html handler users are not able to read input value. This handler is mostly used in login process of any ASP.Net MVC application because of some special features of this helper.
This helper commonly have following features:
- Text input in the control is un-readable.
- Does not allow user to copy the text input in the control.
- Does not repopulate its value from ModelState object.
- htmlHelper: html helper instance that this method extends.
- name: used to specify the name of form field that may be used to look up the value.
- value: specify the value of this element.
- htmlAttributes: specify html attributes to be set for the element like placeholder, id, any class or other values.
<input type=”password” runat=”server” id=”password” />
Provide same functionality but used to render password input element for each property passed via model. Here the model is the class for which the view is to be created. This handler have two type parameter i.e. TModel (specify type of model) and TProperty (specify type of value).Parameters
- htmlHelper: html helper instance that this method extends.
- expression: used to identifies object that contains property to render.
this line will render an input element of type password having id "Password" passed by the model. After submitting form, the value of this element will assigned to the password field of the model and can be easily accessed for further use.