While surfing on the internet you see a lot of information and content , such as books , tutorials, songs ,movies,and the rest , which ask for user's feedback . This feedback provides a key metric to recognize the satisfaction of users. For this purpose , the owner of the materials provides a rating system that represents a set of stars , which can be used to receive feedback . The rating mechanism used by ASP.NET needs a synchronous postback. However you can use the rating control that made client callback without refreshing the entire page .
Properties of Rating Control :
AutoPostBack : Set to true if you want to perform a postback by clicking a rating item.
CurrentRating : Sets the initial rating value to display the selected rating item when the page is loaded.
MaxRating : Sets the maximum rating value that you want to allow to rate an item.
ReadOnly : Determine whether or not the rating can be changed.
StarCssClass : Sets the css class for the visible star.
WatingStarCssClass : Sets the css class for the star in waiting state.
FilledStarCssClass : Sets the CSS class for the star in filled state.
EmptyStarCssClass : Sets the CSS class for the star in an empty state.
RatingAlign : Set the alignment for the stars. The value can be either vertical or horizontal.
Properties of Rating Control :
AutoPostBack : Set to true if you want to perform a postback by clicking a rating item.
CurrentRating : Sets the initial rating value to display the selected rating item when the page is loaded.
MaxRating : Sets the maximum rating value that you want to allow to rate an item.
ReadOnly : Determine whether or not the rating can be changed.
StarCssClass : Sets the css class for the visible star.
WatingStarCssClass : Sets the css class for the star in waiting state.
FilledStarCssClass : Sets the CSS class for the star in filled state.
EmptyStarCssClass : Sets the CSS class for the star in an empty state.
RatingAlign : Set the alignment for the stars. The value can be either vertical or horizontal.