This is the web application, in which you can get result of your all semester exam. After completing the exam you will get total result via this application. The main objective of this application is to get the result from any where, Suppose you are a student, and you loss your mark sheet when you go for interview. Before taking interview you can get result via college website.Hardware and Software requirement
Hardware : Dual Core PC for Server machine, where you setup your project.Software : IIS Web Server, DOTNET framework 4.0, SQL Server 2008.
How to run the application on client machine
Step-1 : Open this website in visual studio 2010Step-2 : Run the application via ctrl+f5
Step-3 : Search the result via SPN Number, which is include in database
Step-4 : Insert new record via admin panel.
Project nap Screen
Home screen show the links for navigate the application. After enter the SPN number into the project you can enter into the result page, which is shown above.
Download the project
mail to me : narenkumar851@gmail.comProject contains some resources
1. Project Source code2. Project report
3. Project PPT