
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Import Export project in ASP.NET C#

Project Introduction:

In this project, we have some modules, which is related to Import and Export goods services. This project provides online facilities to pickup your goods from any where in the nation. Actually projects is based on packers and movers functionality. Lots of goods transport one place to another place. We all know about import and export. Suppose, you want to bring goods from other places and that place is far from you place. So , you face too much difficulties. So, i design a packer and mover based project in ASP.NET C#.

Project modules

Project contains lots of things which is related to customer as well as company who pick up goods. So i dived the project in different categories, categories further divided in sub categories.
  1. User Module (Who Generate pick up request)
  2. Branch Module(Who handle pick up request , i am taking state level branch module)
  3. Agent Module (Who deliever the goods)
  4. Admin (Who handle all such functionality)

Software Requirement of the project : Visual Studio 2013

Front-End and Back End of the project : 

Front-End  : ASP.NET C# ( Here c# work as business logic code)
Back-End : Sql Server 

Project Video :

How to Download the Project:

Mail Me  : narenkumar851@gmail.com 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Online Student Information System in ASP.NET


"Independent functional unit work together" known as system. Like Computer System, it contains multiple independent units ( Hard disk, mother board , processor etc) But these units are depended on each other. Same thing in Student Information System, which contains different types of module such as
  • Personal Information of students 
  • Progress Card information of student
  • And last one is Current status of student.
Brings these module, we will design a System. First of all we discuss about Personal Information. Before reading about this project , you can see my project gallery.

  1. Online Course Registration System Project
  2. Online Hotel Reservation System Project
  3. Finger Print Based System.
  4. Online Blood bank Project System
  5. Offline Banking System
  6. Online Polling System
  7. Student and Fees management system
  8. Online Mobile Shopping Project
  9. College WebSite Project
  10. Online Job Project Portal 
  11. Online Gym Application Project

Student's Personal Information

Store information related to student like StudentID, StudentName, Student Address and many more things. All Information stored in Database table, Store data related to other database table.

How to Design Online Student Information System

  1. First to design Master page for this Project 
  2. Learn How to store information of student 
  3. Learn How to retrieve Information of student 
  4. Learn How to update information of student 
  5. How to delete wrong information of student.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Online Course Registration System Project in ASP.NET C#

In this Project we have a logical system. By using this system we can store courses and their subjects in the system database. The all things we can do by administrator. First of all, administrator do login in the system. He/ She can change our profile like change password, username and etc. In the Courses tab, we will provide some following things like "Manage Courses", "Add Courses", "Manage subject combination" and "Add subject combination". In the section of Manage courses, i will provide you a GridView control with the following action control like:

Manage Courses

By using Edit and Delete button we can make some changes in the course table. By using Subject combination we can configure subjects under defined courses. I will provide you a interface through which you can add new courses in the table like :

After add course details , you can add subjects in particular course also configure it by using some action command like "Edit" and "Delete". Now, by mentioned snap, you can add new subject details in the courses like:
subject details in the courses

Software Requirement :  Visual Studio 2013

Download : mail me : narenkumar851@gmail.com

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Online Hotel Reservation Project in ASP.NET C#


Through this project we are booking a hotel room in a city also reduce lots of paper work. Actually physical process converted into logical process or you can say online process.

In this project we will provide such types of  searching functionality:

  • Pick random city 
  • Search city
  • You can search hotel directly
home page of hotel reservation system in asp.net c#

Module of the project :
  • Visitor 
  • Administrator 
Full detail of hotel address

Working of the project

First of all visitor choose the hotel city by the help of searching facilities. In the search result we will provide some basic information about each hotel which is exist in the city. When visitor select a specific hotel in the given list, we will provide the full details of selected hotel with "book now" button. When visitor press this button, the system will check that visitor is whether authenticated or not. If visitor is not authenticated then visitor moves to the login page. Login page contain a link of register page. If visitor not a website user then she/he will not login by the login panel so first of all visitor should member of the website. After that he /she will booked the selected hotel.

Download :  narenkumar851@gmail.com

Sunday, February 28, 2016

How to design finger print/ scanner based project in C#

In this article, I will show you, how to compare two images in c#. You can say that how to match prints images in c#. Basically, this types things we can implement in biometric systems like fingerprint etc. If you want to work on this system, follow these mentioned steps to complete this task.

Step-1:  Create a windows form project using Visual Studio, you can take any version of visual studio.

Step-2:  Design output type form in default added file ie. form1

Step-3:  Copy and Paste mentioned code, according to their controls

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Fingure_print
    public partial class Form2 : Form
        Bitmap bitmapPictureBox1;
        Bitmap bitmapPictureBox2;
        public Form2()

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)

                pictureBox1.ImageLocation = openFileDialog1.FileName;

                bitmapPictureBox1 = new Bitmap(openFileDialog1.FileName);


        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)

                pictureBox2.ImageLocation = openFileDialog1.FileName;

                bitmapPictureBox2 = new Bitmap(openFileDialog1.FileName);


        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool compare = ImageCompareString(bitmapPictureBox1,bitmapPictureBox2);

        public static bool ImageCompareString(Bitmap firstImage, Bitmap secondImage)
       MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
        firstImage.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
        String firstBitmap = Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());
       ms.Position = 0;
       secondImage.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
        String secondBitmap = Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());
      if (firstBitmap.Equals(secondBitmap))
         return true;
          return false;

Code Generates the following output
How to design finger print/ scanner based project in C#

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Blood bank System project in ASP.NET C#

The blood bank system provides some information about blood bank. A needy person can take some points of blood with their blood groups. By using this system, we provides the information  about donor and takers. These all information are public. Any one  person register in the control panel and after successfully register in the panel. He/She can login in the system. We have a form for donor, in this form, donor fill these mentioned fields.

Donor Id :  Int type
Name :  nvarchar (100)
Blood Group :  nvarchar ( 50)
Contact ( Phone Number)  : nvarchar (50)
Address : nvarchar(max)
Picture:  nvarchar(max)

Blood bank System project in ASP.NET C#

After filling the form, information display on home screen, registered user can see donor information. Project also provide the search facility, through it, registered user can see donor information, according to blood group. It provide the total storage of blood in the bank. Bank takes blood from outer side also vice versa. Total in and out details stored in separate database table.

Software information : Visual Studio 2013
Hardware requirement :  Visual Studio 2013 compatible hardware.

Video : Comming Soon

How to run it: You can run it using video help.

Download/Buy : mail me narenkumar851@gmail.com

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Banking Software Application Project in c#

Purchase Banking software project built in window platform. By using this software, we can do banking task easily. In this project,  I have to provide you banking functionality like Create new account, update customer account, deposit money, transfer money etc. I will give you project executable file to run the project. If you want to learn how to design this project then follow these mentioned steps:

[Video Describe full details]

  1. Start from Login screen. If admin username exists in database table then loginIn into the system else give failed message.
banking System Login Failed Screen

2. If login success then enter in main screen.

Banking Software Application Project in c#

3. Similarly all option which is given in the project.

Software : Visual Studio 2013. 

How to run you project
Double click on application executable file and run your project.

How to design Banking Software
First to create a login form for Administrator. After successfully login, administrator can do some work in the control panel like:

  1. Add New Customer.
  2. Deposit money to customer bank account.
  3. Transfer money from one account to another account.
  4.  Show list of account which is available in the bank.
  5. Withdrawal amount from account number by the account holder.
  6. Generate balance sheet.
  7. FD form for customers.
Download : mail me : narenkumar851@gmail.com

Monday, September 7, 2015

Online polling project in asp.net free download

Today i will give a web based polling system, through this you can put your vote online. Free download polling project in asp.net with report. Online polling system is a web based solution.It removes traditional polling system problems such as :
  • Take more time and human resources
  • Does not give instant poll result
  • False voter
  •  Inefficient

Online voting system project

Those problem are major problem in traditional system . If you want to remove such types of problem in traditional system then you will use web-based solution.

Features of Online voting system:
  • Detect false voter
  • Instant poll result
  • Easy method for vote count
  • keep global information
System Requirements : 
  • Visual studio 2010 
  • SqlServer 2008
  • Internet connection
  • Mail_id
 How to run this project :

  • Open website folder in Visual studio 2010
  • Run your project by selecting green triangle button
  • Open voter register page 
  • Fill some required filled and click on submit button
  • Login in Admin panel by username and password
  • Approve Voter by changing flag bit (0 to 1)
  • After approval login in your mail id and copy your secure code
  • Login in voter login panel and fill some required filled(voter-id , securecode , email )
  • After login you can vote now of your desired candidate .
  • Count total vote by admin
  • Show result by admin
If you want to purchase this please contact me on :  narenkumar851@gmail.com

Project Demo

Friday, July 17, 2015

Student and fees management project in c#

This project is related to school management system. In this project we have a Sql Database to store student information also store their fees details. The main motive behind the project is to persist the student information in single place. So,we can retrieve that information easily and quickly.

Front-end and Back-end:
Front-end : Windows form with c# as business logic
Back-end :  SQL Server 2014

How to run this:

How to design the system

  1. First to add new windows form in the solution.
  2. Add some control in the form.
  3. Now, add business logic in the code file.
Module in the project
  1. Add new Student: Through this module we can add student details like : Student name, Student father name , Student mother name, Student address etc.
  2. Edit Details :  You can edit details of student by their enrollment id.
  3. Search Student details : You can search stored student details by student name. In this project we can add auto complete type functionality.
  4. Delete Student Details
How to Download :  Mail me : narenkumar851@gmail.com

Monday, July 6, 2015

Online mobile shopping project in ASP.NET

This project is aimed at developing a Web application that depicts online Shopping of mobiles and purchasing using Payment Gateway. Using this software, companies can improve the efficiency of their services. Online Shopping is one of the applications to improve the marketing of the company’s products. This web application involves all the features of the online shopping.

The project entitled Online Mobile Shopping enables customer to buy mobiles or accessories from anywhere through online. This application advertises some of the products for shopping. To buy products, customer has to create an account. Those who does not have an account, they can only view the available product. They can’t buy it. Once the customer has created account, not only he can view the products, he can also add the product to the cart and also he can place an order to buy those products. This application then generates bill for that particular customer. After the confirmation, the customer has to enter his credit card details to buy those products.

Home page :

Online mobile shopping project in ASP.NET

The project entitled “Online Mobile Shopping” enables customer to buy mobiles or accessories from anywhere through online. This application advertises some of the products for shopping. To buy products, customer has to create an account. Those who does not have an account, they can only view the available product. They can’t buy it. Once the customer has created account, not only he can view the products, he can also add the product to the cart and also he can place an order to buy those products. This application then generates bill for that particular customer. After the confirmation, the customer has to enter his credit card details to buy those products.

Product Perspective: The product will be developed completely independent and dynamic website. Customer must have an account to purchase the product. This application stores all the information in the database which can be retrieved whenever needed and all the validations are performed during the entry of the data by the user thus ensuring that the user can not enter any wrong data which could cause problem later.

Signup page of Mobile shopping project:

Signup page of Mobile shopping project:

Product Function: Initially customer has to register to the website to access most of the features of the application. The customer has to enter the details like username, password…etc. After registration customer will be able to purchase products and the purchased product can be added to the cart. Later customer has to enter his credit card details to buy the products. The confirmation of debit card numbers will be handled by the Pay pal website.
User Characteristics: The user of this product is supposed to be fairly educated about the usage of the computers. He should understand how to store products and he should have knowledge about various products so that they could be saved. A person who has no knowledge of computers will find it difficult to understand the system. But with a little knowledge it will be very easy to handle the project.

Admin: Admin adds the new product and accessories and stores in the database which can be retrieved and used whenever needed and all the validation are performed during the entry of the data. Thus it ensures that the user cannot enter any wrong data which would cause problem later.

User: This application allows the user to access all the products available. To buy the products, customer must create an account in this website.

This software helps customer to find different mobiles, their features, and new updates easily. It is designed such a way that one can view all the updates of the mobile from any place through online. The software will help in easy maintaining and updating products in the website for the administrator. Also quick and easy comparison of different products for the customers
Online Mobile Shopping project is aimed at developing a Web application that depicts online Shopping of mobiles and purchasing using Payment Gateway.
Using this software, companies can improve the efficiency of their services. Online Shopping is one of the applications to improve the marketing of the company’s products. This web application involves all the features of the online shopping.

Processor: Pentium 4 or above
RAM :1 GB or above
Hard disk :40 GB or above

Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
SQL Database 2014

Front End: ASP.NET
Back End: Microsoft SQL Server 2008

MODULES:- The modules used in this software are as follows:-

LOGIN: This module has a drop down list box from where we have to select ADMIN or USER. The ADMIN has all the rights in the software including updating the status of his site. The other fields in login are username and password. If the username and password are correct then it is directed to next page.

NEW USER: This module is for the users who do not have their account. Here user is allowed to create an account to login. The account creation is done by filling the registration form with user details such as name, phone, email etc.

PRODUCT: This module has information regarding the mobiles such as its name, model, color, price information, its features etc. The ADMIN has the authority to Add, Delete, Update etc. The USER can only view the Mobile, add to cart only those in the stock etc.

ACCESSORIES: This module consists of various available accessories of the Mobile with its name and picture, price information etc.

SEARCH: This module helps the customer to ease his search based on his budget or interest. The search can be done on different categories like mobile model name, model number, color, price etc.

CART: User can select any number of Mobile and add to the cart. He can also remove from the cart if he dislikes it later.

PAYMENT: This module describes the payment done by the customer. The payment information can include information like the model purchased, quantity, mode of payment (cash, loan) etc.

STOCKS: This gives the details regarding the products available for sale.

Download : please mail me: narenkumar851@gmail.com

Monday, May 25, 2015

College website project in asp.net c#

College website project provide the right information to the existing student and new comers. The main aim of this project is to provide such types of information which is mentioned below:

  1. Current news
  2. Home slide section
  3. About panel 
  4. Contact us panel
In this project i have two module, first is student module and last one is administrator module. Student can see all the details which is mentioned on the website. Through admin module we can update the website time to time , when we need.
Home page of the website :

Home page contains all such information which is important to the student and their parents. In this project we have two panel (left panel and right panel). In the right side bar we have news section , through which we give the right and updated information to the students also contain administrator login panel

How to run the project under visual studio 2013 or higher


Hardware and software requirements

  1. Hardware : Core i3 pc
  2. Software  : Visual studio 2013 with sql server 2008
Download :  Purchase it in 500 RS or 15$ 
Mail me : narenkumar851@gmail.com

Friday, May 1, 2015

Online job website project in asp.net c#


Online Job website site provide the functionality to search new jobs online according to candidates eligibility in various fields. This web site helps to find new recruits in governmental and private sector day by day with latest openings. This site is also very helpful for freshers to find job because on this site, we are specially working to meet new recruiter and candidates as per their requirements.

Project description:

When we open the project first time in the browser, home page appeared which is contain lots of things like Header part, Navigation bar, body part and last one is footer part.

Online job weebsite project in asp.net c#

A header part of the project contains: (According to above mentioned snap)

  • Welcome message for both guest and authenticated user.
  • Sign-In and Signup options
Now come to navigation part, its contain : (According to above mentioned snap)
  • Home page links 
  • Search jobs via Job Name, salary wise, etc.
  • Employer Zone
  • Contact us page
  • Feed Back System
Now, click to any letters which is mentioned in the search job option. After that you will see a table, in which we have JobId, JobName, and Salary.


mail me  : narenkumar851@gmail.com

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Online GYM application project in ASP.NET

Admin Panel:

  • No need of admin registration form just provide username and password change option
  • Admin it self will register client details. So you have to provide client registration form for admin only(Need to provide insert, update and delete option for manipulating client details for admin except username and password)
Client Registration Form Details
1. Complete name
2. Email Id
3. Phone No
4. Date
5. Address
6. Height
7. Weight
8. Programs(Drop Down List)
When admin selects the type of program i.e cardio fitness, strengths, weight loss, personal trainer, cardio+strengths in another drop down list plans should populate
9. Plans      
 For example. Look at below video:

After Selecting Program and plan amount should display in text box.
1.       Paid Amount
2.       Amount Due=Plan amount-Paid Amount
3.       Upload Image
4.       Date(calendar)
5.        Registration button and Cancel Button 

Once registration is successful with all validations espically emailed and phone number. An email should send to that particular person with a welcome note along with username and password. Username as emailed and password as phone number.
Important Note: While client registration a Qrimage along with Unique qrcode and a excel sheet has to be generated. That excel sheet should contain the fallowing columns.

Sl.No, Name ,EmailId, Phone no, Emergency contact no, Address, Height, Weight, Selected Program, Selected Plan ,Amount paid, Due Amount  

When ever new client registration is successful the existing excel sheet should Update with a new row. QrImages  should be generated in separate folder with client name. Once admin will login he should be able to view his clients with respect to their programs. 

Select Type Of program:---Select----(Assume it’s a drop down list)
                                             Personal Trainer
                                            Weight Loss
                                             Etc etc
Once admin click any of the above program i.e Strengths or cardio or weight loss or Personal trainer or any other register client should display w.r.to that program only.

Once admin select the client it should ask for edit profile option or display client info.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Online Movie ticket booking System project in ASP.NET


Through this software, You can reserve your movie hall ticket online. Basically this system categories in two parts, the first part related to visitor who want to book ticket and second part is related to admin who handle all the privileges like user account, payment account etc. When visitors visit the home page of this site then they will see the first interface of the project that is movie name with full description and book now button. When visitors click on book now button then they will go to the next page that is login page. If the visitors are authenticated person then no need to register again, simply login into the account. After login they will see the seat no , visitor can reserve multiple seat at a time.

Module of the project

  • Viewer module
  • Admin module

Software requirement to run this software

Visual Studio 2013 and windows 8

How to run this project

1. First to open the project in visual studio 2013 
2. Click to green color of triangle button, also you can use ctrl+f5.

Project Module

1. Visitor, who want to reserve seat
2. Admin

Snap Shot of the project

Ticket Booking snap

Ticket Booking snap

Ticket Cancel Snap

Ticket Cancel Snap

How to Download the project

Mail me : narenkumar851@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Student Information Project in PHP


Student information management system is a software application to  maintain the records related to student information , Fees status , marks and attendance.

Objective of the project

The main objective of application is to automate the existing system manually maintain the record of student information ,marks , attendance and student search to be computerized. So searching  will be faster.


This software covers following area

  1.     It  is very  useful for schools and colleges.
  2.    All record is computerized to we can use it for colleges.

Hardware and Software requirements

1. Dual core pc for server machine.
2. XAMPP for server machine

Future Scope

  1. Can be used for ERP Application

Project Snap Shot

Home page of online student information system project in php

Student Search in PHP

Student result in php

How to Download the project

Mail to me : narenkumar851@gmail.com

Project contains

  1. Project Report
  2. Project Code
  3. Project PPT

Online result showing project in ASP.NET


This is the web application, in which you can get result of your all semester exam. After completing the exam you will get total result via this application. The main objective of this application is to get the result from any where, Suppose you are  a student, and  you loss your mark sheet when you go for interview. Before taking interview you can get result via college website.

Hardware and Software requirement

Hardware : Dual Core PC for Server machine, where you setup your project.
Software : IIS Web Server, DOTNET framework 4.0, SQL Server 2008.

How to run the application on client machine

Step-1 : Open this website in visual studio 2010
Step-2 : Run the application via ctrl+f5
Step-3 : Search the result via SPN Number, which is include in database
Step-4 : Insert new record via admin panel.

Project nap Screen

Home screen show the links for navigate the application. After enter the SPN number into the project you can enter into the result page, which is shown above.

Download the project

mail to me :  narenkumar851@gmail.com

Project contains some resources

1. Project Source code
2. Project report
3. Project PPT

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Complaints Management Project in ASP.NET

Download this project

Project cost : 200Rs or $8
Pay me at:
PayPal id : saini1987tarun@gmail.com

Via bank transfer

ICICI bank account number is :    153801503056
Account holder name is :                 Tarun kumar saini
IFSC code is :                                   ICIC0001538

SBBJ bank detail :                             61134658849
Account holder name:                        Tarun kumar saini
IFSC code :                                        SBBJ0010398




In this project, you can create your complaints to admin department. Review your complaints by the admin department and try to solve the problem.

Project Module

I have two module in this project first one is consumer module and last one admin module.

How to work(Step by step guide)

Step-1 : First to complete the consumer registration.
Step-2 :  Login in your account using consumer login panel.
Step-3 : Fill the complaints form, after login.
Step-4 : Check Status after few time in consumer panel.
Step-5 : Open Admin account using admin login panel.
Step-6 : Check New or old consumer complaints and try to solve the problem if possible.
Step-7 : Update the pending status


Software : Visual Studio 2010

Project Screen

Home page
Complaints Management Project in ASP.NET
<%@ Page Title="Home Page" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.master" AutoEventWireup="true"
    CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>

<%@ Register src="UserControl/complaintform.ascx" tagname="complaintform" tagprefix="uc1" %>

<asp:Content ID="HeaderContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent">
<asp:Content ID="BodyContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">
        Complaint Form Fill by Consumer</h2>
        <table style="width:100%;">
                    <uc1:complaintform ID="complaintform1" runat="server" />
                <td valign="top">
                    <asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" Height="526px" 
                        ImageUrl="~/images/complaint-handling-cartoon.jpg/" Width="340px" />

Consumer login Form
consumer login panel of complaint management

Solution Explorer View
Complaints Management Project in ASP.NET

How to download this project

Step-1 : mail to me  ( narenkumar851@gmail.com)
Step-2 : Project Cost $10  or 400 Rs

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Doctor Medicine Prescription Project in Windows Forms with C#

Download this project

Project cost : 300Rs or $10
Pay me at:
PayPal id : saini1987tarun@gmail.com

Via bank transfer

ICICI bank account number is :    153801503056
Account holder name is :                 Tarun kumar saini
IFSC code is :                                   ICIC0001538

SBBJ bank detail :                             61134658849
Account holder name:                        Tarun kumar saini
IFSC code :                                        SBBJ0010398



Doctor Medicine Prescription system covers the functionality to store the symptoms of the patient’s disease date by date and also the medicines written by the doctor. It is windows form project which may be a setup file to be installed in client’s system.

Features of the project:

  • Only authorized person can login into the system and use the software.
  • User can add/modify patients, disease and medicines which will stored in the database.
  • Through this system, all the symptoms of particular disease and their medicines may be stored in the database according to date.
  • Small project to be installed in the windows platform.

System Requirements:

  • Visual studio 2010 or higher
  • SqlServer 2008 or higher
  • DotNet Framework 4.0 or higher(pre-loaded with visual studio)

Run the Project:

It is a windows form application, so either press F5 or click on Start button. It will load the login window, which requires username and password. Username is “admin” and password is “password”, click on login button and the manage options window will be shown to you.

Project’s Functions:

Manage List: here all the functions of project can be redirected through a single click.

1. Manage list doctor medicine project

Manage Patient: where user can add/modify all the details about a patient like name, father name, age, address, contact no and also registration date.

2. Manage patient in doctor medicine project

Manage Disease: user can add/modify details about diseases like their name and type.

Manage Symptoms: there are some symptoms of particular disease which should be first stored in the system. It also have related medicine details for each symptoms, which may be prescribed to the patient.

Manage Medicine: where user can add/modify all the details about medicines like their name, type, the salt contains and components including in the medicine.

Prescribe medicine: user can assign the medicines to particular patient according to their symptoms/disease. By a single click the system will store the medicines assigned to the patient.

3. prescribe form doctor medicine project

The coding part is so simple of this project so that other programmer can easily change the functionality as per the requirements.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Address Book Project in Windows Forms with C#

Download this project

Project cost : 300Rs or $10
Pay me at:

Via bank transfer
ICICI bank account number is :    153801503056
Account holder name is :                 Tarun kumar saini
IFSC code is :                                   ICIC0001538

SBBJ bank detail :                             61134658849
Account holder name:                        Tarun kumar saini
IFSC code :                                        SBBJ0010398



Sometimes we can’t remember all of the detail of each of our friend. We have to store them, so that we can remind the details when we want. If we talk about our personal computer then it will be the safest place for us to store them in a file.
Address Book is a windows application which stores all the details of your friends. It saves their common fields like name, father name, age, date of birth and etc. Of course we are the administrator of our computer that’s why we can trust our computer.

Features of Project:

  • One can add/modify/remove an address from the database easily.
  • Search option is available for larger databases.
  • User can print the list of his/her friends using a single click.
  • It have its own username and password that is known only to the administrator.

System Requirements:

  • Visual Studio 2010 or higher
  • SqlServer 2008 or higher
  • DotNet Framework 4.0 or higher (pre-loaded with Visual Studio)

Run the project:

It is a windows form application, so either press F5 or click on Start button. It will load the login window, which requires username and password. Username is “admin” and password is “password”, click on login button and the manage options window will be shown to you.


Gives you the brief description of the project.

Login Window

Address Book Project in Windows Forms with C#

Manage options: 

Provides basic three options i.e. list of addresses, search and print option.

Address Book Project in Windows Forms with C#

List of addresses: 

Contains list of addresses your address book have, you can add, edit or remove any record that is selected in the list.
Address Book Project in Windows Forms with C#

There are some more forms like edit window, search and print window.
If you want to purchase this please contact me on :  narenkumar851@gmail.com

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Search Engine project with source code in ASP.NET

Download this project

Project cost : 300Rs or $10
Pay me at:

Via bank transfer
ICICI bank account number is :    153801503056
Account holder name is :                 Tarun kumar saini
IFSC code is :                                   ICIC0001538

SBBJ bank detail :                             61134658849
Account holder name:                        Tarun kumar saini
IFSC code :                                        SBBJ0010398



Search engine means , you can search any item from the database. Basically a search engine depends on various algorithms. In this project we use simple search algorithm. That algorithm is
First you fill the table by some value like insert title, description, URL, keywords etc. After feeding the data you can search in it.

Software requirement of the project are

1. Visual Studio 2010 with sql server 2008


mail to me : narenkumar851@gmail.com     for project source code

Designing patterns 

1. First prepare master page for outer structure.
2. Search item using TextBox from database also take output in Gridview.
3. Design Admin Login page for feeding data into database table.
4. Also set permission for admin (admin can remove item from database table)

Search Code using stored procedure

<%@ Page Title="Home Page" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.master" AutoEventWireup="true"
    CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>

<asp:Content ID="HeaderContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent">
<asp:Content ID="BodyContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">
        Enter Text Here :
        <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Height="32px" Width="237px"></asp:TextBox>
        <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Height="33px" onclick="Button1_Click" 
            Text="Search" Width="122px" />
         AutoGenerateColumns ="false"
          ID="GridView1" runat="server"
           Height="180px" Width="426px" GridLines ="None" AllowPaging="True" 
            onpageindexchanging="GridView1_PageIndexChanging" PageSize="5" 
                  <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server" Text ='<%# Eval("title") %>' NavigateUrl='<%# Eval("URL") %>'/>
                  <br />
                  <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("title") %>'/><br />
               <asp:Label ID="description" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("metaDescription") %>'/>
               <asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("keywords") %>'/>

Csharp File code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    private void loadgrid()
        con.ConnectionString = connection.Connectionstring;
        cmd.CommandText = "GetEngine";
        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parameter", TextBox1.Text);
        cmd.Connection = con;
        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
        GridView1.DataSource = ds;
    protected void GridView1_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
        GridView1.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;

Search Engine project with source code  in ASP.NET

Search Engine project with source code  in ASP.NET

If you want to purchase this please contact me on :  narenkumar851@gmail.com
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