
Monday, April 14, 2014

Address Book Project in Windows Forms with C#

Address Book Project in Windows Forms with C#

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Project cost : 300Rs or $10
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Account holder name:                        Tarun kumar saini
IFSC code :                                        SBBJ0010398



Sometimes we can’t remember all of the detail of each of our friend. We have to store them, so that we can remind the details when we want. If we talk about our personal computer then it will be the safest place for us to store them in a file.
Address Book is a windows application which stores all the details of your friends. It saves their common fields like name, father name, age, date of birth and etc. Of course we are the administrator of our computer that’s why we can trust our computer.

Features of Project:

  • One can add/modify/remove an address from the database easily.
  • Search option is available for larger databases.
  • User can print the list of his/her friends using a single click.
  • It have its own username and password that is known only to the administrator.

System Requirements:

  • Visual Studio 2010 or higher
  • SqlServer 2008 or higher
  • DotNet Framework 4.0 or higher (pre-loaded with Visual Studio)

Run the project:

It is a windows form application, so either press F5 or click on Start button. It will load the login window, which requires username and password. Username is “admin” and password is “password”, click on login button and the manage options window will be shown to you.


Gives you the brief description of the project.

Login Window

Address Book Project in Windows Forms with C#

Manage options: 

Provides basic three options i.e. list of addresses, search and print option.

Address Book Project in Windows Forms with C#

List of addresses: 

Contains list of addresses your address book have, you can add, edit or remove any record that is selected in the list.
Address Book Project in Windows Forms with C#

There are some more forms like edit window, search and print window.
If you want to purchase this please contact me on :  narenkumar851@gmail.com

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