
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Import Export project in ASP.NET C#

Project Introduction:

In this project, we have some modules, which is related to Import and Export goods services. This project provides online facilities to pickup your goods from any where in the nation. Actually projects is based on packers and movers functionality. Lots of goods transport one place to another place. We all know about import and export. Suppose, you want to bring goods from other places and that place is far from you place. So , you face too much difficulties. So, i design a packer and mover based project in ASP.NET C#.

Project modules

Project contains lots of things which is related to customer as well as company who pick up goods. So i dived the project in different categories, categories further divided in sub categories.
  1. User Module (Who Generate pick up request)
  2. Branch Module(Who handle pick up request , i am taking state level branch module)
  3. Agent Module (Who deliever the goods)
  4. Admin (Who handle all such functionality)

Software Requirement of the project : Visual Studio 2013

Front-End and Back End of the project : 

Front-End  : ASP.NET C# ( Here c# work as business logic code)
Back-End : Sql Server 

Project Video :

How to Download the Project:

Mail Me  : narenkumar851@gmail.com 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Online Student Information System in ASP.NET


"Independent functional unit work together" known as system. Like Computer System, it contains multiple independent units ( Hard disk, mother board , processor etc) But these units are depended on each other. Same thing in Student Information System, which contains different types of module such as
  • Personal Information of students 
  • Progress Card information of student
  • And last one is Current status of student.
Brings these module, we will design a System. First of all we discuss about Personal Information. Before reading about this project , you can see my project gallery.

  1. Online Course Registration System Project
  2. Online Hotel Reservation System Project
  3. Finger Print Based System.
  4. Online Blood bank Project System
  5. Offline Banking System
  6. Online Polling System
  7. Student and Fees management system
  8. Online Mobile Shopping Project
  9. College WebSite Project
  10. Online Job Project Portal 
  11. Online Gym Application Project

Student's Personal Information

Store information related to student like StudentID, StudentName, Student Address and many more things. All Information stored in Database table, Store data related to other database table.

How to Design Online Student Information System

  1. First to design Master page for this Project 
  2. Learn How to store information of student 
  3. Learn How to retrieve Information of student 
  4. Learn How to update information of student 
  5. How to delete wrong information of student.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Online Course Registration System Project in ASP.NET C#

In this Project we have a logical system. By using this system we can store courses and their subjects in the system database. The all things we can do by administrator. First of all, administrator do login in the system. He/ She can change our profile like change password, username and etc. In the Courses tab, we will provide some following things like "Manage Courses", "Add Courses", "Manage subject combination" and "Add subject combination". In the section of Manage courses, i will provide you a GridView control with the following action control like:

Manage Courses

By using Edit and Delete button we can make some changes in the course table. By using Subject combination we can configure subjects under defined courses. I will provide you a interface through which you can add new courses in the table like :

After add course details , you can add subjects in particular course also configure it by using some action command like "Edit" and "Delete". Now, by mentioned snap, you can add new subject details in the courses like:
subject details in the courses

Software Requirement :  Visual Studio 2013

Download : mail me : narenkumar851@gmail.com

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Online Hotel Reservation Project in ASP.NET C#


Through this project we are booking a hotel room in a city also reduce lots of paper work. Actually physical process converted into logical process or you can say online process.

In this project we will provide such types of  searching functionality:

  • Pick random city 
  • Search city
  • You can search hotel directly
home page of hotel reservation system in asp.net c#

Module of the project :
  • Visitor 
  • Administrator 
Full detail of hotel address

Working of the project

First of all visitor choose the hotel city by the help of searching facilities. In the search result we will provide some basic information about each hotel which is exist in the city. When visitor select a specific hotel in the given list, we will provide the full details of selected hotel with "book now" button. When visitor press this button, the system will check that visitor is whether authenticated or not. If visitor is not authenticated then visitor moves to the login page. Login page contain a link of register page. If visitor not a website user then she/he will not login by the login panel so first of all visitor should member of the website. After that he /she will booked the selected hotel.

Download :  narenkumar851@gmail.com

Sunday, February 28, 2016

How to design finger print/ scanner based project in C#

In this article, I will show you, how to compare two images in c#. You can say that how to match prints images in c#. Basically, this types things we can implement in biometric systems like fingerprint etc. If you want to work on this system, follow these mentioned steps to complete this task.

Step-1:  Create a windows form project using Visual Studio, you can take any version of visual studio.

Step-2:  Design output type form in default added file ie. form1

Step-3:  Copy and Paste mentioned code, according to their controls

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Fingure_print
    public partial class Form2 : Form
        Bitmap bitmapPictureBox1;
        Bitmap bitmapPictureBox2;
        public Form2()

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)

                pictureBox1.ImageLocation = openFileDialog1.FileName;

                bitmapPictureBox1 = new Bitmap(openFileDialog1.FileName);


        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)

                pictureBox2.ImageLocation = openFileDialog1.FileName;

                bitmapPictureBox2 = new Bitmap(openFileDialog1.FileName);


        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool compare = ImageCompareString(bitmapPictureBox1,bitmapPictureBox2);

        public static bool ImageCompareString(Bitmap firstImage, Bitmap secondImage)
       MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
        firstImage.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
        String firstBitmap = Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());
       ms.Position = 0;
       secondImage.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
        String secondBitmap = Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());
      if (firstBitmap.Equals(secondBitmap))
         return true;
          return false;

Code Generates the following output
How to design finger print/ scanner based project in C#

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Blood bank System project in ASP.NET C#

The blood bank system provides some information about blood bank. A needy person can take some points of blood with their blood groups. By using this system, we provides the information  about donor and takers. These all information are public. Any one  person register in the control panel and after successfully register in the panel. He/She can login in the system. We have a form for donor, in this form, donor fill these mentioned fields.

Donor Id :  Int type
Name :  nvarchar (100)
Blood Group :  nvarchar ( 50)
Contact ( Phone Number)  : nvarchar (50)
Address : nvarchar(max)
Picture:  nvarchar(max)

Blood bank System project in ASP.NET C#

After filling the form, information display on home screen, registered user can see donor information. Project also provide the search facility, through it, registered user can see donor information, according to blood group. It provide the total storage of blood in the bank. Bank takes blood from outer side also vice versa. Total in and out details stored in separate database table.

Software information : Visual Studio 2013
Hardware requirement :  Visual Studio 2013 compatible hardware.

Video : Comming Soon

How to run it: You can run it using video help.

Download/Buy : mail me narenkumar851@gmail.com

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