
Friday, November 8, 2013

Lab Digitization Project in Windows Forms with C#

Lab Digitization Project in Windows Forms with C#

Download this project

Project cost : 300Rs or $10
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ICICI bank account number is :    153801503056
Account holder name is :                 Tarun kumar saini
IFSC code is :                                   ICIC0001538

SBBJ bank detail :                             61134658849
Account holder name:                        Tarun kumar saini
IFSC code :                                        SBBJ0010398



In Colleges and Schools all the labs are following the same procedure to giving the task to students. They write that assignment on the board, students get/copy that and do that in the computer. What if there will be a software in which teacher save the assignment and when student login into the software, the assignment is opened by default.

Lab Digitization is a windows application which stores all the tasks to perform by students and load the current task to be perform. Only the specified tutor can check the related task done by students that’s why it is secure to check the files on computer.

The important thing of this software is: after a time period, student can’t check the tutor’s task and he/she will not be eligible to do that assignment. Each task entry usually consist of some fields i.e. tutor filename, start time and end time.

Features of Project: 

  • Tutor and student can only login with their respective credentials.
  • Only tutor can save an assignment. 
  • Related tutor can add/edit student’s details and check all the files submitted by the students
  • Student can only read its current assignment and can submit its own answer.

System Requirements:

  • Visual Studio 2010 or higher
  • SqlServer 2008 or higher
  • DotNet Framework 4.0 or higher (pre-loaded with Visual Studio)

Run the project:

It is a windows form application, so either press F5 or click on Start button. It will load the login window, which requires username and password. For Tutor username is “admin” and password is “password”, click on login button and the manage options window will be shown to you.

And for the student its name and rollno is required and after login student only read its current assignment and submit its answer only once.


Tutor Login
Lab Digitization Project in Windows Forms with C#

Student Login
Lab Digitization Project in Windows Forms with C#

TutorList: Contains the list of tutors stored in the database.
Lab Digitization Project in Windows Forms with C#

TutorFileOptions: where user can save its file with start time and end time and date. Student can only open that file in-between the given time.
Lab Digitization Project in Windows Forms with C#

There are some more forms like student workplace, student file check and etc, that can be used by downloading the project.

If you want to purchase this please contact me on :  narenkumar851@gmail.com

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