In this article i will show you how to create database in windows form c# using code first approach. Example of code first approach to create database. Entity Framework is an open source object-relational (ORM) framework for ADO.NET. It allows user to create a model by writing code in EF designer. The releases are improving from entity framework 3.5 and onwards. Entity Framework 5 is the stable version for visual studio 2010 and 2012 and updated soon with the latest features.
The main advantages of using Entity Framework 5 are:
- Speed - You do not have to worry about creating a DB you just start coding. Good for developers coming from a programming background without much DBA experience.
- Simple - you do not have a edmx model to update or maintain.
Entity framework 5 released with some advanced features like enum support, table-valued functions and performance improvements. In this article we will create a database using entity framework 5 code first approach.
Steps of Creating Database through Entity Framework
Steps of Creating Database through Entity Framework
- Create a Project ClassLibrary in Visual Studio.
- Install EntityFramework from Package Manager Console (required internet connection) using
- PM> install-package entityframework
- Remove InBuilt Class i.e "Class1".
- Add a new class “Student”.
- Add another class DataContext (Name may be change) inherited by DbContext
- DbContext is in System.Data.Entity Namespace.
- Write the below code in DataContext class
public DataContext()
:base("Database Name")
if(!Database.Exists("Database Name"))
Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<DataContext>());
public DbSet<Student> Student { get; set; }
- Add a new project2 (Window Form Application) that will be used to execute constructor of DataContext class.
- Install Entity Framework 5 in this new project also.
- Create an object of DataContext class in Form1 Constructor.
- Now run project2 and your Database has been created.
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Insert foreign key in database