
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Creating Table-Valued Functions in SQL

A table-valued function returns a table as an output, which can be derived as a part of a SELECT statement. Table-valued function return the output as a table data type. The table data is a special data type used to store a set of rows, which return the result set of a table-valued function. Table-valued functions are of two types:

Inline Table-Valued Function

An inline table-valued function returns a variable of a table data type from the result set of a single SELECT statement. An inline function does not contain a function body within the BEGIN and END statements.

Consider an example where the inline table-valued function, fx_Department_GName, accepts a group name as parameter and returns the details of the departments that belong to the group from the Department table. You can create the function by using the following statement:

CREATE FUNCTION fx_Department_GName ( @GrName nvarchar (20) )
FROM HumanResources.Department
WHERE GroupName=@GrName

You can use the following statement to execute the fx_Department_Gname function with a specified argument:

SELECT * FROM fx_Department_GName (‘Manufacturing’)

The preceding statement will return a result set having the group name ‘Manufacturing’.

Consider another example of an inline function that accepts rate a a parameter and returns all the records that have a rate value greater than the parameter value:

CREATE FUNCTION HumanResources.Emp_Pay (@Rate int)
SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.Title, er.Rate
FROM HumanResources.Employee AS e
JOIN HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory AS er
ON e.EmployeeID=er.EmployeeID WHERE er.Rate<@Rate
The preceding function will return a result set that displays all the records of the employees who have the pay rate greater that the parameter.

Multistatement Table-Valued Function

A Multistatement table-valued function uses multiple statements to build the table that is returned to the calling statement. The function body contains a BEGIN…END block, which holds a series of T-SQL statements to build and insert rows into a temporary table. The temporary table is returned in the result set and is created based on the specification mentioned in the function.

Consider an example where the Multistatement table-valued function, PayRate, is created to return a set of records from the EmployeePayHistory table by using the following statements:

CREATE FUNCTION PayRate (@rate money)
(EmployeeID int NOT NULL,
RateChangeDate datetime NOT NULL,
Rate money NOT NULL,
PayFrequency tinyint NOT NULL,
modifiedDate datatime NOT NULL)
INSERT @table
FROM HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory
WHERE Rate > @rate

The function returns a result set in from of a temporary table, @table, created within the function. You can execute the function by using the following statement:

SELECT * FROM PayRate (45)

Depending on the result set returned by a function can be categorized as deterministic or nondeterministic. Deterministic functions always return the same result whenever they are called with a specific set of input values. However, nondeterministic function may return different results each time they are called with a specific set of input values.
An example of a deterministic function is date add, which returns the same result for any given set of argument values for its three parameters. Get date is a nondeterministic function because it is always invoked without any argument, but the return value changes on every execution.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How to Implement User Defined Function in SQL

Similar to the stored procedures, you can also create functions to store a set of T-SQL statements permanently. These functions are also referred to as user-defined functions (UDFs). A UDF is a database object that contains a set of T-SQL statements, accepts parameters, performs an action, and returns the result of that action as a value. The return value can either be a single scalar value or a result set.

UDFs have a limited scope as compared to stored procedures. You can create functions in situations when you need to implement a programming logic that does not involve any permanent changes to the database objects outside the function. For example, you cannot modify a database table from a function.

UDFs are of different types: scalar functions and table-valued function. As a database developer, it is important for you to learn to create and manage different types of UDFs.

Creating UDFs

A UDF contains the following components:

  • Function name with optional schema/owner name
  • Input parameter name and data type
  • Options applicable to the input parameter
  • Return parameter data type and optional name
  • Options applicable to the return parameter
  • One or more T-SQL statements

To create a function, you can use th CREATE FUNCTION statement. The syntax of the CREATE FUNCTION statement is:

CREATE FUNCTION [ schema_name. ] function_name
( [ { @parameter_name [AS ] [ type_schema_name. ]
Parameter_data_type] }
[ = default ] }
[, …n ]
RETURNS return_data_type
[WITH <function_option> [ , . . .n ] ]
[ AS ]
RETURN expression

  • Schema_name is the name of the schema to which the UDF belongs.
  • Function_name is the name of the UDF. Function names must comply with the rules for identifiers and must be unique within the database and to its schema.
  • @parameter_name is a parameter in the UDF. One or more parameters can be declared.
  • [type_schema_name.] parameter_data_type is the data type of the parameter, and optionally the schema to which it belongs.
  • [=default ] is a default value for the parameter.
  • Return_data_type is the return value of a scalar user-defined function.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

How to create Indexes on Views: SQL Server

Similar to the tables, you can create indexes on views. By default, the views created on a table are no indexed. However, you can index the views when the volume of data in the underlying tables is large and not frequently updated. Indexing a view helps in improving the query performance.

Another benefit of creating an indexed view is that the optimizer starts using the view index in queries that do not directly name the view in the FROM clause. If the query contains references to columns that are also present in the indexed view, and the query optimizer estimates that using the indexed view offer the lowest cost access mechanism, the query optimizer selects the indexed view.

When indexing a view, you need to first create a unique clustered index on a view. After you have defined a unique clustered index on a view, you can create additional non-clustered indexes. When a view is indexed, the rows of the view are stored in the database in the same format as a table.

Guidelines for Creating an Indexed View

  • You should consider the following guidelines while creating an indexed view:
  • A unique clustered index must be the first index to be created on a view.
  • The view must not reference any other views, it can reference only base tables.
  • All base tables referenced by the view must be in the same database and have the same owner as the view.
  • The view must be created with the SCHEMABINDING option. Schema binding binds the view to the schema of the underlying base tables.

Creating an Indexed View by Using the CREATE INDEX Statement

You can create indexes on views by using the CREATE INDEX statement. For example, you can use the following statements for creating a unique clustered index on the vwEmployeeDepDate view:

ON HumanResources.vwEmployeeDepData (EmployeeID, DepartmentID)
The vwEmployeeDepData view was not bound to the schema at the time of creation. Therefore, before executing the preceding statement, you need to bind the vwEmployeDepData view to the schema using the following statement:

ALTER VIEW HumanResources.vwEmployeeDepData WITH SCHEMABINDING
SELECT e.EmployeeID, MaritalStatus, DepartmentID
FROM HumanResources.Employee e JOIN
HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory d
ON e.EmployeeID = d.EmployeeID

The preceding statement alters the existing view, vwEmployeeDepData, and binds it with the schema of the underlying tables. You can then create a unique clustered index on the view.

How to apply restrictions at time of Modifying Data using Views

Views do not maintain a separate copy of the data, but only display the data present in the base tables. Therefore, you can modify the base tables by modifying the data in the view, however, the following restrictions exist while inserting, updating, or deleting data through views:

  • You cannot modify data in a view if the modification affects more than one underlying table. However, you can modify data in a view if the modification affects only one table at a time.
  • You cannot change a column that is the result of a calculation, such as a computed column or an aggregate function.

For example, a view displaying the employee id, manger id, and rate of the employees has been defined using the following statement:

SELECT i.EmployeeID, i.MangerID, j.Rate FROM HumanResources.Employee AS i
JOIN HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory AS j ON
i.EmployeeID = j.EmployeeID

After creating the view, if you try executing the following update statement, it generates an error. This is because the data is being modified in two tables through a single update statement.

SET ManagerID = 2, Rate = 12.45
WHERE EmployeeID = 1

Therefore, instead of a single UPDATE statement, you need to execute two UPDATE statement for each table.

The following statement would update the EmployeeID attribute in the Employee base table:

SET ManagerID = 2
WHERE EmployeeID = 1

The following statement would update the Rate attribute in the EmployeePayHistory table:

SET Rate = 12.45
WHERE EmployeeID = 1

Therefore, to modify the data in two or more underlying tables through a view, you need to execute separate UPDATE statements for each table.

Creating View and Guidelines in SQL Server

Database administrator might want to restrict access of data to different users. They might want some users to be able to access all the columns of a table whereas other users to be able to access only selected columns. The SQL Server allows you to create views to restrict user access to the data. Views also help in simplifying query execution when the query involves retrieving data from multiple tables by applying joins.

A view is a virtual table, which provides access to a subset of columns from one or more tables. It is a query stored as an object in the database, which does not have its own data. A view can derive its data from one or more tables, called the base tables or underlying tables. Depending on the volume of data, you can create a view with or without an index. As a database developer, it is important for you to learn to create and manage views.

Creating Views

A view is a database object that is used to view data from the tables in the database. A view has a structure similar to a table. It does not contain any data, but derives its data from the underlying tables.

Views ensure security of data by restricting access to:

  • Specific rows of a table
  • Specific columns of a table
  • Specific rows and columns of a table
  • Rows fetched by using joins
  • Statistical summary of data in a given table
  • Subsets of another view or a subset of views and tables

Apart from restricting access, views can also be used to create and save queries based on multiple tables. To view data from multiple tables, you can create a query that includes various joins. If you need to frequently execute this query, you can create a view that executes this query. You can access data from this view every time you need to execute the query.

You can create a view by using the CREATE VIEW statement. The syntax of the CREATE VIEW statement is:

CREATE VIEW view_name
[ (column_name [, column_name]…)]
AS select_statement [WITH CHECK OPTION]


  • View_name specifies the name of the view.
  • Column_name specifies the name of the column(s) to be used in a view.
  • WITH ENCRYPTION specifies that the text of the view will be encrypted in the syscomments view.
  • SCHEMABINDING binds the view to the schema of the underlying table or tables.
  • AS specifies the action to be performed by the view.
  • Select_statement specifies the SELECT statement that defines a view. The view may use the data contained in other views and tables.
  • WITH CHECK OPTION forces the data modification statements to meet the criteria given in the SELECT statement defining the view. The data is visible through the view after the modifications have been made permanent.

Guidelines for creating views

While creating views, you should consider the following guidelines:

  • The name of a view must follow the rules for identifiers and must not be the same as that of the table on which it is based.
  • A view can be created only if there is a SELECT permission on its base table.
  • A view cannot derive its data from temporary tables.
  • In a view, ORDER BY cannot be used in the SELECT statement.

For example, to provide access only to the employee ID, marital status, and department ID for all the employees you can create the following view:

CREATE VIEW HumanResources.vwEmployeeDepData
SELECT e.EmployeeID, MaritalStatus, DepartmentID
FROM HumanResources.Employee e JOIN
HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory d
ON e.EmployeeID = d.EmployeeID

The preceding code crates the vwEmployeeDepData view containing selected columns from the Employee and EmployeeDepartmentHistory tables.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How to Create Index using sql Query: Sql Server

Database programmer should create indexes on the most frequently queried column in a table. However, at times, you might need to create an index based on a combination of one or more columns. An index based on one or more columns is called a composite index. A composite index can be based on a maximum of 16 columns. However, you need to consider that indexes with less number of columns use less disk space and involve fewer resources when compared to indexes based on more columns.

To create an index you can use the CREATE INDEX statement. The syntax of the CREATE INDEX statement is:

ON [{database_name.[schema_name]. | schema_name.}]
{table_or_view_name} (column [ASC | DESC] [, …n])
[INCLUDE (column_name [, …n])]
[WITH (<relational_index_option>[, …n])]
[ON {partition_cheme_name (column_name [, …n]) | filegroup_name |DEFAULT) ]
<relation_index_option> : : =
| FILLFACTOR = fillfactor

  • UNIQUE crates an index where each row should contain a different index value. CLUSTERED specifies a clustered index where data is sorted on the index attribute. NONCLUSTERED specifies a nonclustered index that organizes data logically. The data is not sorted physically.
  • Index_name specifies the name of the index.
  • Table_name specifies the name of the table that contains the attributes on which the index is to be created.
  • Column specifies the column or columns on which the index will be created.
  • Column_name specifies the name of the column or columns on which the index would be created.
  • ON partition_scheme_name ( column_name ) specifies the partition scheme the specifies the filegroups in which the pattitioned index will be mapped.
  • ON filegroup_name specifies the filegroup on which index is created.
  • ON DEFAULT specifies that the specified index will be created on the default filegroup.
  • PAD_INDEX = { ON | OFF } specifies the index padding, which is OFF, by default.
  • FILLFACTOR = 1 to 100 specifies a percentage that indicates how full the leaf level of each index page should become during index creation or rebuild. The default value is 0.
  • SORT_IN_TEMPDB = { ON | OFF } specifies about storing temporary sort results in the tempdb.
  • IGNORE_DUP_KEY = { ON | OFF } specifies whether a duplicate key value can be inserted or not…
  • STATISTICS_NO_RECOMPUTE = { ON | OFF } specifies about recomputing the distribution statistics.
  • DROP_EXISTING = { ON | OFF } specifies that the pre-existing clustered, nonclustered, or XML index is dropped and rebuilt.
  • ONLINE = { ON | OFF } checks whether the underlying tables and associated indexes are available to query and modify the data during the index operation.

Developer can create online indexes only in the SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition.
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