
Monday, June 9, 2014

Returns CheckBox Input element using Html.CheckBox() Handler: MVC

Returns CheckBox Input element using Html.CheckBox() Handler: MVC

Html.CheckBox() handler, used to return check box input element to be input true or false value by user. Selected checkbox will return true and un-selected will return false, otherwise it returns null for the programmer to store/use the value.

In compare to other input element, this handler is easy to bind to with the data source provided by the programmer for the page. This handler/method have its own parameters list as Html.Label() or Html.TextBox() handlers have.


  • Name: specifies the name of form field. It is string type of parameter.
  • isChecked: programmer should pass true to select the checkbox, otherwise false. As the name implies it is Boolean type of parameter.
  • htmlAttributes: specifies an object that contains all the html attributes to set for the element as discussed earlier.
@Html.CheckBox("isMarried", true);

This line will return an check box input element on the page with checked true value, as passed with the method. The name of form field will be isMarried, used to get the value of this element.


This handler works same as above but for a particular property in the object specified in the expression. This handler is used to return check box input for only the bind to property exists in the mode passed by an action to this view page.

Parameters are almost same except the expression which is a predicate to be bind this element with the specific property.

Let’s suppose this view page is bind to a model of type student having the properties like name, age, isMarried and etc. To bind this check box handler programmer have to write the following line of code:

@Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.isMarried, false)

This handler now binds to isMarried property of the model and by default it will be un-selected on the page.

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