I want to show Components in a tabs , so first of all create few components. In this project we have three components, First View Component public class AllViewComponent : ViewComponent { private readonly UserManager<ApplicationUser> _userManager; public AllViewComponent(UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager) { _userManager = userManager; } public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync() { List<StudentViewModel> allUsers = new List<StudentViewModel>(); var items = await _userManager.Users.ToListAsync(); foreach (var item in items) { allUsers.Add(new StudentViewModel {Id=item.Id, EnrollmentNo = item.EnrollmentNo, FatherName = item.FatherName, Name = item.Name, Age = item.Age, Birthdate = item.Birthdate, Address = item.Address, Gender = item.Gender, Email = item.Email }); }
Input : Two numbers that are to be compared Output : Messages of comparison COMPARE (N1, N2) [N1 and N2 are the numbers] If(N1==N2) Then : Write : 'Both the numbers are equal' Else: If (N1<N2) Then: Write : 'First number is smaller then second number' Else: Write : 'First number is bigger number than second number' [End of If] [End of If] Exit