
Thursday, June 13, 2013

How to bind TabControl with database in windows forms

How to bind TabControl with database in windows forms

TabControl manages and displays a related collection of tabs that can contain controls and components. We can add multiple pages in a single form and each page can contain its individual set of controls that can displayed when that tab is selected.

When we add a TabControl in our form then it will add three Tab Pages as default pages and tabPage1 will be selected tab. We can remove any tabPage from that control or can add a new tabPage.

Create a tab page

To add a tab page we can use Add method of TabPages property. Following line of code will add three tab pages without any control


Inserting a tabPage with a label control:

Label label = new Label();    //New labal control
label.Text = "This is the control which will added to TabPage";    //set text property of label

TabPage tabPage = new TabPage();    // create a new tabpage
tabPage.Text = "Tab Page 1";    // set text property of tabpage
tabPage.Controls.Add(label);    //add label control to above tabpage

tabControl1.TabPages.Add(tabPage);    //finally add tabpage to our tabcontrol

Remove a tab page 

To remove a tab page we can use Remove method of TabPages property. Using following line of code we can remove selected tab from our tabControl:


Load tabpages from Database 

In the following example we will add tabPage according to our departments. Each tab contains a list of employees working in that department. For showing list of employees we used a DataGridView in a UserControl. When we add a tabPage then we will load userControl in that tabPage.

Step 1:
Create two tables i.e. Department and Employee (described in previous article) in our database.

Step 2:
Insert some records in both tables (described in previous article).

Step 3:
Add a UserControl to our project and then add a DataGridView that will contain list of employees. Write following code in constructor of UserControl:
public EmployeeUserControl(Department dept)
       DataContext dc = new DataContext();
       var employees = from temp in dc.Employee
                                where temp.Department.Name == dept.Name
                                select new
       empDataGridView.DataSource = employees.ToList();
As in above code datagridview will bind to the list of employees according to department.

Step 4:
Now finally in our form’s constructor write below line of codes to add pages to tabControl
foreach (var item in dc.Department)
        TabPage newTab = new TabPage(item.Name);
         newTab.Controls.Add(new EmployeeUserControl(item));

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