I want to show Components in a tabs , so first of all create few components. In this project we have three components, First View Component public class AllViewComponent : ViewComponent { private readonly UserManager<ApplicationUser> _userManager; public AllViewComponent(UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager) { _userManager = userManager; } public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync() { List<StudentViewModel> allUsers = new List<StudentViewModel>(); var items = await _userManager.Users.ToListAsync(); foreach (var item in items) { allUsers.Add(new StudentViewModel {Id=item.Id, EnrollmentNo = item.EnrollmentNo, FatherName = item.FatherName, Name = item.Name, Age = item.Age, Birthdate = item.Birthdate, Address = item.Address, Gender = item.Gender, Email = item.Email }); }
Callback function reference will execute after the current effect/function/event finished completely. This type of function can be used after any event completion like to set an element’s value after execution of some function finished. In earlier article we have discussed about callback function execution after finishing effect. These functions executes after current effect have been finished. As the effect completed, the function reference specified as callback will be executed. Following code block will change the text field of element having id "testComment" as mentioned in the code. This whole process will take place after button (btnComment) click event done. $("#btnChange").click(function(){ $("#testComment").text(function(i,origText){ return "Old text: " + origText + " New text: Changed! on index: " + i; }); }); A callback function is one which is passed as an argument in another function and which is invok